Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

“Thanks,” she beamed as her lips quirked. “You have a lot of catching up to do once y’all marry and start. We average about three kids a family.”

“You guys are also insane,” Lucy said simply, and that had everyone chortling as Benji grinned. She wasn’t joking, but they had to be—not only for the number of kids, but hadn’t they just met her? How did they know she wanted kids and marriage with Benji?

“She’s funny, right?” he teased, skating over to a very tall and very muscular woman who was holding a baby on her hip. “Anyway, this is Kacey, my boy and roommate on the road, Jordie’s, wife and her little nugget, Ella. Let me see her,” he said, taking her and kissing her loudly on the cheek, which made her giggle adorably as all the women grinned back at him. “These are the core Assassins wives who run shit and the woman in charge of it all.”

“Basically,” Reese laughed as everyone agreed.

When Benji skated off, Lucy wanted to chase him, but knew she wouldn’t get far as Kacey said, “I guess I’m not getting my baby back.”

“Probably not,” Baylor replied as Benji skated.

“He just loves kids,” Piper added while everyone watched him. He was great, skating with Ella before handing her off to the really big mountain man she knew to be Jordie Thomas and then chasing after Angie.

“He does,” she found herself saying, and they all beamed back at her. “What?”

“You know he hasn’t dated anyone since we’ve known him,” Reese said, waggling her brows, and Lucy shrugged.

“I’ve heard.”

“You know that means you’re what he was waiting for,” Elli announced then as Audrey giggled happily beside her.

“For real. Benji always said he was waiting for the one,” Fallon said and Lucy hadn’t even realized she was sitting beside Baylor. “You’re the one.”

Lucy’s lips curved as she shrugged. “I’ve heard that too.”

That made all of them sigh dreamily before they turned to watch the guys skate with the kids. They were all big kids themselves. Shea Adler was riding on Jordie’s back as he raced down the ice against Karson and Lucas. Somehow, though, Benji had passed them with Jayden on his back while Tate watched with baby Ella in his arms, laughing.

Bunch of nuts.

“Good group we got. Great job, boss lady,” Fallon said then and Elli nodded.

“Yeah, I think so,” she said before turning to Baylor. “I need my girl, though. How’re you feeling?”

Baylor looked up and smiled, even though it didn’t reach her eyes. “I don’t know, boss. Not sure I’ll be back. It isn’t official, though.”

Elli looked sad but she nodded. “I know, honey. I hate that for you.”

“We all do,” Fallon said, wrapping her arm around Baylor as her youngest daughter took off out of the bench area. “Crazy ass,” she muttered before chasing after her as some of the ladies laughed.

“Yeah, I’m accepting it,” Baylor said, but Lucy knew she wasn’t. Very slowly, she moved into the bench area and sat beside Baylor, hugging her.

“Well, you’re a hero in my eyes,” she said and Baylor grinned over at her.

“I mean, I lived my dreams. I wish it would have lasted longer, but I think I’m gonna teach some kids, push girls to live their dreams. That they can make it.”

Kacey nodded her head. “Good idea. I mean, you did what I always wanted to do. You’ll always be my hero.”

Baylor’s face reddened as everyone agreed. Lucy hated this for her sister-in-law, but in a way, she was okay with it. Baylor could take it easy, and Jayden wouldn’t worry so much. That dude worried so much about everyone, and Lucy was convinced one day he’d have a heart attack. This was good—it sucked and she hated it—but it was good in the long run.

As they all fell into easy conversation, Lucy’s nerves were gone and she felt at home. Within seconds, she loved all the ladies and all of them wanted her to come over so they could cook for her, Angie, and Benji. It was just so easy. They all accepted her and Angie without a bat of an eye. She hated that she had thought they wouldn’t. That was the Assassins team. They were a family. Benji loved them, so they all loved him.

It was refreshing.

When people started going their separate ways to spend time with their families, Lucy soon found herself sitting alone with Baylor as she talked about the upcoming wedding. “I am sure I’m going to cry my eyes out.”

Lucy chuckled. “God, me too. I never thought I would want my mom to remarry after my dad, but I love River a lot.”

Baylor smiled as she nodded. “I love Autumn, always have, so it will be great.”

“It will,” she agreed as they watched Benji and Jayden play some intense two-on-two against Aiden and Lucas Brooks.

When Baylor cleared her throat, Lucy looked over to find her looking at her. “I know we aren’t close—”