Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

“So you don’t deny that you are trying to take my kid from me?”

Benji shook his head. “Would I rather be her dad than you? Yeah, I would adopt that funny, amazing, sweet, beautiful child in a second. I’d give her my name, and I’d love her more than you can even imagine. More than you’re capable of. But I’m sure you’d rather run us through a nasty custody battle and hurt her in the process. So instead, where you lack in the father department, I’ll excel. And Angie will grow to be a happy, well-adjusted girl who knows who her real dad is.”

Rick didn’t like that at all and came toe-to-toe with Benji, his eyes blazing with anger. “You don’t matter.”

Benji shrugged. “To you, no, but I think Angie and Lucy would sing a different tune.”

“You’ll be gone soon, so you’re just wasting your time.”

Benji sucked in a deep breath as Lucy watched him. This dude did not scare him, and all he was really doing with his idle threats was annoying him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“You’ll see,” he said, shaking his head and stepping away. “See you after the new year. Enjoy the time you do have with her.”

He couldn’t understand Rick. It drove him crazy because how could a man act like that about his child? Still, though, Benji wanted to give him a chance. So he asked once more, “Are you sure you don’t want to just fix the parenting plan? Skip this charade of a custody battle?” When Rick went to snap at him, he held up his hand. “Not for us, please, we can handle it. But for Angie. You’ve already ruined so much with her. Don’t you want to try to make your relationship a little better instead of putting her through this?”

Lucy looked up at Benji, her eyes full of love before she looked back at Rick. “You should want be to be a part of her life, but I can’t do this, Rick. I can’t put her through all this and urge her to want you in her life,” she said as calmly as she could, and Benji was proud. “You don’t deserve her, but you are her father and I have no problem with you being one—as long as you are going to be one. What you are right now is a douche.”

Rick held their gazes and then slowly shook his head. “Fuck both of you. You both think you’ve already won. I’m better for her than both of you combined. A drunk and a bitter bitch? Please!”

Benji let out a long breath and nodded. “Have a great vacation with your family,” he said simply, guiding Lucy to the truck before she clawed the asshole’s eyes out.

“Yeah, whatever, dude.”

But Benji ignored him as he opened the door for Lucy and helped her in. Once in the car with them, he started the ignition as he exhaled once more.

“You’re a good man, Benji Paxton,” Lucy said, lacing her fingers with his.

Bringing the back of her hand up to his lips, he kissed her and then nodded. “I try,” he whispered. Lord knew it wasn’t easy. He wanted to rip that bastard to pieces, but there was no point. Rick was just an idiot and not worth his time.

“You sure you don’t want out?” she asked as he pulled onto the main road.

He rolled his eyes. “Do you really need reassurance, Lucy? ’Cause you frustrate the crap out of me when you do that. Here, let me give you some,” he said, his voice full of frustration. “I love you. I’m not going anywhere. It’s me, you, and Angie, and I guess, that dude, for the rest of my life. The latter until Angie turns eighteen. He doesn’t scare me. I don’t care one bit about him. Stop asking if I want out. I don’t. I want you and Angie. I’m yours, baby.”

“Mine too,” Angie said from the back and Benji grinned. “You’re mine too, right, Benji?”

“Absolutely, sunshine,” he said, looking over at Lucy. “You two never have to ask again.”

“Okay,” Lucy said and she smiled. “I won’t ask again.”

“Thank God,” he said, flashing her a grin before he looked at the road. Was this easy? No. Did he hate it? Yes. But what was he supposed to do? He wouldn’t turn his back on them; he loved them. But, man, it would be so much easier without Rick in the picture. Though, like he said before, he didn’t mind one bit fighting for Lucy and now Angie.

He’d fight for the people he loved.

He looked in the rearview mirror at Angie. “Hey, Angie, you wanna go out, do something?”

He was hopeful she would. But like he expected her to, she said, “Nope, I want to have a dance party!”

Lucy scoffed as Benji nodded, groaning inwardly and wishing like hell he hadn’t agreed to this. “Dance party it is, then.”

“But you hate dancing,” Lucy said and he shrugged.

“When you love someone, you do things you aren’t comfortable with to make them happy,” he said simply and she beamed as Angie cheered.

“I bet you’re a great dancer, Benji!”

“That’s a big no, sunshine, but let’s do this.”

Lucy brought their hands into her lap and squeezed his hand. “I love you.”