Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

He smiled as his heart exploded in his chest. The way she said it was so beautiful. So sweet, and he was convinced he couldn’t get enough of those three words. “I love you too.”

“I love you both!” Angie giggled from the back and he couldn’t grin wide enough.

He was complete.

Benji really hated dancing.

As he shimmied from side to side, Lucy leaned against the island, laughing so hard, she was crying.

“You’re doing great. Try this,” Angie said, spinning like a crazy person and Benji laughed.

“How about this?” he said, doing some break-dancing that was so bad, he almost smashed his head against the table.

But Angie ate it up. “Awesome! Mommy, watch!”

She did the same as Benji, and they looked ridiculous, but Benji had never had so much fun in his life. As he spun around on his ass, kicking his legs in no particular way, he looked up to see Lucy grinning, bubbling with laughter as she held her phone up, taking pictures. She looked so beautiful, so fucking happy, and while he really didn’t want anyone seeing him like this, he didn’t stop her. He wanted her to document this moment.

When he tried but failed very badly to spin on his head, he lay on his back, watching as Angie swung her arms around like an orangutan, laughing and having the time of her life. He wondered how many dance parties she had with Rick. How many times did Rick make her laugh like Benji made her laugh? He wondered why Rick even wanted to fight for her when he didn’t even try to make her happy. When Angie looked over at him expectantly, he laughed.

“I’m old,” he decided and she laughed, pulling him up.

“Never! Dance!”

Popping and locking, well, actually, he looked like he was having a conniption fit, he heard Angie laugh, the joyous sound filling his once empty house. When Lucy snorted, shaking her head, he grinned back at her as the music died down, changing to a slow song.

“Then There’s You,” by Charlie Puth.

He had heard it many times, liked it because it made him think of Lucy. When Angie went to turn it off, he stopped her. “No, honey, let’s slow it down.”

“Okay,” she said, coming to him.

“Come here,” he said, picking her up. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, laying her head on his shoulder. Closing his eyes, he cuddled her to him as he moved her through the kitchen, thankful for the break. He might have killed himself if he’d tried another headstand. When he turned, facing where Lucy stood, he saw her lips were curved and her eyes dark as she watched him.

“Come here,” he demanded, holding out his arm. She shook her head.

“No, you two have fun.”

But Angie didn’t like that. “Come on, Mommy. Dance with us!”

“Ugh, fine,” she said, laughing as she came over, tucking into his side, holding Angie as she laid her hand on his chest.

Exhaling a long breath, Benji closed his eyes and he leaned his head to Lucy’s, kissing her forehead. Nothing could have ever prepared him for this. To feel so overwhelmed and in love from the bottom of his soul. Living life with no purpose had been scary, but now he had purpose, he had meaning, and he was holding it in his arms.

His girls.

Angie may never fully be his, but he was okay with that. Because when she was older and she graduated, she would thank Lucy and Benji, her parents. When some idiot assumed he was going to marry her, he would ask Benji, not Rick. And when it was time to give her away, Benji would be the one to do it. But if Rick got his shit together and he became the father Angie needed, then Benji would have no problem being number two. As long as Angie was happy and she knew he loved her too.

That was all he cared about.

Kissing Angie’s head once more and then Lucy’s, he smiled as the song played and they cuddled against him.

“This is awesome,” Angie said softly and Lucy nodded.

“It is. I think he’s a good dancer.”

Angie popped up at that. “The best ever!”

Benji’s body shook with laughter as she hugged him tighter. Another slow song came on, and still the three of them stayed wrapped together, swaying to the music. At that moment, Benji decided, as much as he hated dancing, he’d do this every day if he could.

As long as it was with these two.

When Lucy looked up, her face bright and happy, he smiled before kissing her nose. “Love you.”

“Love you,” she whispered, her eyes locking with his as she exhaled happily.

Holding her gaze, her gorgeous green eyes burning into his, he couldn’t take it. He wanted this. Every day. He wanted to wake up to her beautiful face, to hold her sweet body when he slept. He wanted them over for breakfast, to share dinner with them. He wanted his family.

Angie and Lucy.

His voice thick with emotion, he whispered, “Move in, Lucy. Tomorrow. I don’t want to wait till January. I love you, I love Angie, and this is right. We are right.”

She searched his eyes, and he could feel her heart pick up in speed, beating against his chest. He figured she would fight him, tell him to hush, but to his surprise, she nodded her head and whispered, “Okay.”

And right then, Benji decided that “Okay” was his second favorite phrase to ever leave Lucy’s mouth.