Roots and Wings (City Limits #1)

I nodded and my hand reached for the bag he’d brought closer, and I pulled out a condom as he pulled off his briefs.

He took it from me, leaning up to put it on, and I reveled in the way he looked. With the reflection of moon dancing off the water and the dim light that came from up on my deck, I studied the ripples on his stomach and the muscles in his arms. As he rolled the condom on and gave himself a few strokes, the fire inside me came roaring back to life, like fresh air on smoldering coals.

He was a sight. His skin slick with fevered lust. His lips still wet from my climax.

Then he returned to me, and my hands ran desperately over his taut muscles and ribs, wanting more.

He gave pause, and said, “This means something to me, Hannah. I’ve wanted you since the moment we met.” With one hand he guided himself to my entrance, then let go and held himself precisely there with the most tantalizing pressure. Just the tip of him inside of me. His hand found my breast; then his mouth found my nipple. The overwhelming rush of sensation brought my hips to his, causing him to enter me fully.

“Ah,” I breathed, becoming acquainted with the fullness of him. I’d never had someone take so much time on behalf of my pleasure. I’d never been with someone who made me so desperate and wild with need. I’d never been with someone who fit into my life like he did in every single way.

“Oh, Hannah.”

My fingers moved across his shoulders as he held still inside me, almost like he was waiting for me to make the first move again. His hips only slightly pressed against me where we met flush in the middle.

He licked my breast once more and sucked my nipple into his mouth one last time before coming up to kiss my shoulder sweetly. Then he met me eye-to-eye.

It was almost too much. He was too handsome. Too good for me. But there he was, and I was lost in him, helpless to know whether I was awake or dreaming.

The friction he made proved too much as, impatient for more, I moved and he pulled away only to come right back. So began our first time together.

The first time our bodies, together, moved towards climax. The first time, together, all the walls and all the pretenses I’d tried to hide behind were gone.

I felt more like a woman than I ever had. My body’s purpose was to gain and give pleasure with this man, while he showed me how it incredible it was to be made love to.

Another thing I’d always thought was cliché. How when it was with someone special, it was more special, and, apparently, that had always been true. Vaughn was that special piece I’d been missing all along.

The way he moved in and out of me at the most divine pace and pressure, while whispering how I was making him feel and how badly he wanted me to come for him, it was unlike any other sexual experience of my life.

Even the sweat on his skin was intoxicating, and it only proved how all of my senses were being tantalized.

Although I tried to hold off as long as I could, and we’d slowed ourselves down as many times as our bodies would tolerate, I couldn’t fight it longer.


“Hannah, don’t hold back.”

“Oh, yes. Yes,” I gasped, over and over, as my body rocked itself against him, grinding out my orgasm.

“There you go, beautiful. There you go.”

My back arched, head tipped back, his mouth on my neck and his body moving furiously into me, he chased his orgasm and caught it just as I wrung out the last of my release.

“Jesus, Vaughn. Oh.”

He grunted as it hit him and he pushed one last time, with such force, it hit a spot that almost set me off again. His ass clenched tight, my hands held him to me.

He moved the hair stuck to my face and he tenderly kissed my lips. “You’re incredible.”

I laughed, because it seemed like he’d done most of the work, but it was not time to argue.

We ended up lying there, propped against the pillows naked, and finished the bottle of wine.

It had been one of the best nights of my life.

“I still can’t stop picturing you and my dad at the store. Where did he run into you?” I watched as he climbed out of the boat, prepared to help me carry things back up.

“Right in front of the condoms. Like right in front. He even teased that it was funny he ran into me next to the rubbers.”

I handed Vaughn the cooler with the blanket folded on top of it, and picked up the last of the stuff to take to the cabin. Then I had to stop because I was laughing too hard. I didn’t want to fall off the boat.

“Priceless,” I countered when I caught my breath.

“Yeah, so my rubbers won’t be here until Monday. Thank God for next day shipping.”

My side hurt, but it was amazing watching him joke about the whole thing. Then he winked, and I almost fell again.

“Bet you never thought when you signed up for that you’d be buying those with it.”