Roots and Wings (City Limits #1)

I considered that maybe I looked a little slutty, but it was also thoughtful that he was worried about rushing me. “Will you think less of me if we have sex tonight?”

“God, no. That’s not what I mean. I don’t want you to think you’re not worth waiting for, is all. I’m not in a hurry. If—and only if—you’re ready to go there with me, that’s what I want, too.”

How did he always know exactly what I needed to hear? How to make me forget how nervous I was to make the wrong move? How to make me feel like it mattered to him as much as it did to me?

There was no doubt I was ready to be with him.

“Then take your pants off and grab that bag.” I kicked the small tote I’d carried them down there in. Then, I scooted out of my jeans and underwear, as if it were a race. Like I had to do it fast before he changed his mind. Sluts be damned.

“Hey, whoa. What’s your rush? I wanted to do that.” He’d taken his pants off, but left his underwear on. In that moment, I did feel kind of slutty.

Was I ever going to get this right?

“I don’t know. I just really want you.” How embarrassing. I scrunched my eyes together, wanting to disappear.

Vaughn’s tone changed, softening almost. He cajoled, “Hey, I want you, too, but I want to look at you. Remember this. Take my time. Just relax and let me make you feel good. I don’t have anywhere to go.”

The look in his blue eyes was full of tenderness and heat, trying to comfort me and reassure me that this was where he wanted to be. Again proving how much he thought about my feelings. It touched me. In places I didn’t know occupied so much of my heart, he aroused something deep inside me much stronger than my desperate body.

“You’ll stay then?”

“I said I’m not going anywhere,” he answered, as he kissed my belly and then my hip. “Except maybe here.”

He moved my legs, opening me up to him, and placed a kiss at my center. “Yeah, I think I’m going here first.”

“But…” I began, only to realize I didn’t really have anything to say. I wanted him to do what he was about to. It was just that I’d never let anyone do that before. It had always been too personal. Too intimate for a one-night stand.

“Is this okay?” he asked as he kissed the inside of my thigh. Of course it was okay, I was just a little anxious. I’d never felt so laid bare, as if I were surrendering all of me.

“I’ve just never…” I said to the stars.

“May I?” His tongue flicked out and touched me, my sensitive skin too aware of what he was doing, and I jumped a little, my hands tapping down against the boat with a jolt.

I didn’t know if I could handle it.

I didn’t know I would feel like that. So equally vulnerable and turned on.

I didn’t know what to do with my hands, and suddenly I was really aware of them. My fingers fidgeted from my nervousness.

“Give me those,” he said and reached for one of my hands, and then held out for the other. I did what he asked, and he held my them together on top of my stomach with one of his.

His lust-filled eyes blinked slowly at me as he looked up from below. Then I watched him look back down between my thighs, and like he was overcome with what he saw, he moaned and took another lick. Then said, “If you don’t like it, I’ll stop. If you do, I won’t. That simple.”

Was it that simple?

He gave me a minute, time to decide, but the kisses he was peppering on my legs were very persuasive. I would trust him.

“I want you to.”

He didn’t say anything, taking one long lick up the center of me. The sensation was new and made my toes curl, and my ass left the bottom of the boat.

“Oh my,” I panted and he did it again. That time he’d moved slower and my eyes damn near rolled around to the back of my head.

Every time I bucked, he held my hands tighter, and something about that added to the experience. The control he had, the control I gave him. He was gentle, but strong. He found what I liked, and when my hips rolled he hummed his gratitude.

I couldn’t say anything, all of my focus on this one extraordinary sensation, and everything else drifted away with the gentle rocking of the water.

Just as I thought I was going over the edge, he’d slow and take it easy on me. Then he’d bring me right back.

It was exquisite and maddening. My feet and my shoulders holding my weight, I pushed myself against his mouth as he flicked at the most perfect spot. The last thing I remember thinking was those are the most beautiful stars I’ve ever seen and I didn’t know if they were the real ones or not.

I didn’t care either way.

Was there anything this man wasn’t good at?

Every ragged breath shook my whole body, and before I knew it, he was crawling up my tummy with kisses and saying over and over, “You’re so beautiful.”

When he reached my mouth, he said, “I know I’m sounding like a broken record, but it’s important to me. Are you sure you’re ready to do this?”