Roots and Wings (City Limits #1)

My body was boneless against him. His hand was still in my pants and keeping the fire alive after what had happened. And what he’d done with his hand was better than most of the sex I’d had my whole life—combined.

If he could do that with his fingers, I had to believe the other things he could do would be just as good, if not better.

I wasn’t willing to wait very long to find out.

I craved more and wanted to touch him. So, as I let the rhythm of his rising and falling chest reenergize me, my hand wandered between us. He shifted a little and I heard the sharp intake of breath pass his teeth.

I felt him through his jeans, incredibly hard. I followed the length of his erection to the side of his lap and then back to cup his balls. A strong desire to please him surged through me.

“Vaughn, I want you to have a good time, too,” I quietly admitted between kisses near his ear.

“Oh, believe me, if you keep doing that I will.” His voice was low but had a weakness to it that sounded so sexy. I had him, literally, in the palm of my hand. Which was fitting because I’d just been putty in his.

I stroked him over his pants, and then I couldn’t stand not actually touching him anymore. Wandering over to his button and zipper, I gave them a little time off and made my way to him.

“You don’t have to do that, Hannah,” he assured me. “That’s not why…” and then he trailed off and gave up on chivalry. It made me smile.

I wanted to tease him a little, so instead of making my way under his boxer briefs, I ran my hand on top of them until there was not enough room to fit my hand and him in the space between his hip and his pocket.

His head falling back on the pillow, I took pity on him and tucked my hand inside his underwear. His skin was hot, and he flexed against my palm when I gripped and released him from the confines of his clothes. Freed, he fell stiff against his stomach and my mouth watered at the sight.

His hand was still in my pants, and as I started to stroke him, he began teasing me a second time.

Quickly, he sat forward and brought his shirt over his head.

There we were: two shirtless people making out on a boat for the first time. Mouth on mouth, chest against chest. Hands feeling their way around, testing out what the other might like, only to find they pretty much liked everything the other had to offer.

I’d push forward and he’d give, his hips would rise when I’d tighten my grip just enough.

“I’m not going to last like this,” he said around my lips. “That feels too good.”

I was feeling it too, but I had a suspicion he was going to get there before I did. I liked that idea. I loved feeling like I was the source of his pleasure.

“That’s okay. I drank that 5-hour Energy you brought me,” I joked, even if it wasn’t the best moment for it, but seeing him come apart under my will made me spunky.

“And it’s still early,” I added. I had no plans of ending the night anytime soon. “I want you to stay.”

His breathing became rushed and quickened. He pulled me hard against him and moaned against my neck. His teeth grazed my skin and he tensed, his erection flexing in my palm. Once, twice, and then he made a sound so erotic I found myself moaning in unison with him.

His wet orgasm was slick on his stomach.

He removed his hand from my pants and wrapped both of his arms around me, kissing me so passionately, all of the cockiness I was feeling jumped overboard.

I was totally consumed by him.

Yes, I’d just gotten him off, but that wasn’t enough. I wanted to give him more. Wanted him to have more of me.

I leaned back and he moved to follow, falling in between my legs and grinding himself against me, mimicking what I really wanted.

“I want to be inside of you so badly, but I don’t have anything with me,” he confessed between kisses.

“I have condoms.”

He stopped and held his weight above me, looking me straight in the face.

“You do?”

“Yeah, I bought them this morning.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, they have them at the store. I just went early and got them.”

“I wanted to buy some, but your dad showed up and started talking to me.” His face was adorably frustrated remembering what had happened.

“Oh my God. What did you do?”

He answered matter-of-factly, eyebrows raised, like there’d only been one option. “I bought foot cream.”

Foot cream? I began laughing—the thought of Vaughn getting caught by my dad while buying protection was hilariously uncomfortable.

“Well, I guess the early bird gets the worm.”

In the moonlight his face twisted, not liking my joke. “That wasn’t good.”

“No. Pretend like I didn’t say it.”

He laughed and I leaned up to kiss him, I was tired of all the talking.

“Wait. Wait. Wait,” he repeated, and then he sat back on his legs. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Waiting no time to answer, or for him to sense any hesitation, I said, “I’m sure.”

I was damn sure.

“We don’t have to yet. This is only our second date, Hannah. I’m not in any hurry.”