Rocco and Mandy: A Red Team Wedding Novella (Book #6.5)

Rocco slipped a halter on Kitano, who let him do it as if it were a normal occurrence. He looked over at Mandy standing by the gate. She smiled at him and gave a disbelieving shake of her head. He led a docile Kitano over to the fence, where a saddle was draped over the top board.

Rocco tied the Paint to the fence, then took the grooming brush Mandy handed him and gave the horse a thorough brush-down. Swapping out the brush for a hoof pick, Rocco went around the horse and scraped out each hoof.

When Rocco handed the pick back to Mandy, she looked stunned. “He’s like a changed horse.”

Rocco smiled at her. “I’m going to try the blanket.” He retrieved the saddle blanket from the fence and carefully brushed it over Kitano’s shoulder before settling it into place. Rocco grinned. “He looks bored, don’t you think?”

“He’s never looked bored. I swear, it’s as if you two were hit with lightning that night you came out here.”

“Well, something needed to wake us up.” Rocco looked over at her. “Personally, I think he saw the angels, too.”

Mandy smiled. “Are we really going to do this? No one has ridden him in the months he’s been with us.”

“I’ll let you know in a minute whether he’s coming with us or we’re taking a different horse, but either way, phone Wynn to bring Zavi down.”

“I will—in a minute. I’m not taking my eyes off you until I know Kitano’s not going to lose it.”

Rocco took the saddle off the fence and carried it over to Kitano’s side, moving slowly and deliberately. He lifted the saddle over Kitano and carefully settled it on the blanket. He reached under the horse’s belly for the girth and cinched it without a problem.

The next challenge was getting a bridle on him, but even that he accepted as if he were accustomed to being bridled.

“This is too easy, Rocco. He’s up to something,” Mandy warned.

Rocco grinned at her. “That’s a mean thing to say about your horse.”

She shook her head. “I think he’s your horse now. Look how docile he is. I really am shocked. Be careful when you get on him.”

“Don’t worry about me. I grew up around working horses.” Rocco set the reins over the saddle horn then swung up into the saddle. Kitano didn’t move a step. Rocco grinned at Mandy, then patted Kitano’s neck.

Rocco walked him around the corral. They trotted, loped, stopped, backed up, stepped to the left, stepped to the right. Every command he gave, in words or gesture, Kitano followed.

“Open the gate, Em. Let’s see what he does outside his enclosure.”

Mandy pushed the gate open. Kitano didn’t bolt through the opening. He waited for a cue from Rocco. Rocco smiled at Mandy as he leaned down and patted Kitano. “Good boy.” A little pressure from Rocco’s knees, and they were calmly walking through the gate. They walked back and forth on the dirt road between the corrals and the stable, then into and out of the corral again. They trotted around the stable.

Rocco pulled up near where Mandy was sitting on the top of the fence. “It’s like he’s a different horse. He responds to all the expected commands.”

Mandy shook her head. “I see that, but I can’t explain it.”

Rocco dismounted and led Kitano over to Mandy. He didn’t stop until he was close enough to slip a hand around her and draw her close for a kiss. He smiled down at her. “Marry me tomorrow.”

He frowned, realizing she was crying. He tried to wipe a tear away, but just smudged a bit of dirt across her cheek. “Why are you crying?” God, was she going to turn him down—again?

She gave him a watery smile. “Because I think our nightmare is over.”

He blinked. He had put her through hell. “I hope it is. But if it comes back, give me a swift kick in the ass, will you?”

“It’s not going to. No, I’m not going to kick you. And yes, I will marry you tomorrow.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Tomorrow.” He grinned. “Unless you want a big shindig. I could be patient for another day or two, at least.”

She laughed. “I don’t want a big wedding. I just want you and Zavi and our friends there.”

“Then we’ll get our license and go to the justice of the peace tomorrow. We need rings. I want you to pick the biggest rock we can find.”

She smiled at him. “I don’t need a big rock. Just a little gold band’s all I need.”

“All right. We’ll get the license and go shopping tomorrow. Then we’ll pick a date and have the JP come over here.”

She leaned up to kiss him. “Let’s go get Zavi and tell him.”

“Saddle up, woman. The day’s not getting any younger.”


Mandy found it hard to not smile that night as she, Zavi, and Rocco headed down for supper. Rocco put his arm around her waist and leaned over to kiss her temple. “Keep grinning like that, everyone will know you’re up to something.”

Her smile only widened. “I can’t wait to tell them.”