Rocco and Mandy: A Red Team Wedding Novella (Book #6.5)

Liquid pooled in Kit’s eyes. He brushed Mandy’s hair from her face, then kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry about things here. We’ll take care of Zavi if Rocco doesn’t.”

“If Rocco doesn’t, I’ll come back and do it.” She felt a flash of anger. “I don’t think Rocco’s ever seen me angry. If he doesn’t step up, he’s going to have an irate redhead on his hands who’s a whole lot more fiendish than what’s haunting him right now.”

Kit laughed. “Aw, hell. Don’t let that banshee out!”

Chapter Six

Mandy filled a suitcase with clothes and toiletries so that she could shower and dress at her home. She wasn’t taking everything. Most of her winter clothes were still at her house, anyway. She couldn’t let herself think what life would be like if this was the end of her and Rocco. Every instinct she had screamed that leaving was the wrong choice. She overrode that voice by telling herself that she didn’t intend for this to be a permanent separation, just a short breather. Maybe her absence would break through to Rocco in a way her presence hadn’t.

She wiped at the salty tears on her cheeks. She’d never cried so much as she had since she became pregnant. Slumping down on the bed, she let herself cry. Staying broke her heart. Leaving broke her heart.

She wasn’t strong enough for this.

When she looked up, there was a little face staring at her from the short hallway into her and Rocco’s room. Zavi. Mandy wiped her tears and tried to smile. She’d hoped to pack and leave before he noticed her absence.

“Hi,” she said, giving him a watery smile as she wiped her cheeks again.

“What are you doing?” His dark eyes were so somber sometimes, so like a mini-Rocco, that it made her heart ache.

“Just getting a few things together. I’m going to stay at my house for a little while.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “I’ll come with you.”

“Baby, you can’t.”

“I can. I have a suitcase, too.”

Fresh tears slipped down Mandy’s face. She told herself this change wasn’t for long. It wasn’t forever. Just for a little while until she and Rocco worked through the mile-wide chasm standing between them.

Little Zavi was far too small to be their bridge.

She opened her arms. “Come here.” He ran to her and threw his arms around her neck. “Honey, sometimes grownups have to do things they don’t want to do.”

He leaned back and looked up at her. “You don’t want to leave?”


“Then why are you going?”

How could she answer that? She had to choose her words very carefully so that she didn’t drive a wedge between Zavi and his dad. “The construction on my horse center is starting up again. I can oversee it more easily from my house than I can from here.”

He nodded. “So I’ll go with you. I’ll keep you company.”

“You can’t, baby. Miss Wynn is here. And your school. And Papa’s here.”

“But you won’t be.”

“It’s just for a little while.”

Mandy heard someone come into her room. It was Wynn. “Oh! I’m sorry,” she said. “I used the restroom real quick, then lost track of Zavi. I thought I heard him in here.” She made a half-turn and pointed toward the little hall. “I—I can go—”

Mandy set Zavi down and stood. “No, it’s okay. We’re finished. I was just telling Zavi that I’m going to be staying at my house for a little while. You have my phone number. Feel free to call me anytime. If you need me, or Zavi does, I can be here in just a few minutes.”

Zavi’s small hand slipped into hers and squeezed as if he would never let go. She zipped her suitcase up one-handed, then lifted it off the bed. “Want to walk me to the door?”

He looked up at her nodded, huge tears spilling from his eyes, which started her crying again. Mandy knelt down and hugged him. “It’s just for a little while, baby. Not long at all.” God, she hoped that wasn’t a lie. Zavi had wiggled into a spot in her heart that would forever be his.

“I’ll walk with you,” Wynn said. She touched Mandy’s arm. “He’ll be fine. I’ll see to that.”

Mandy nodded, trying to keep breathing so she didn’t have a full meltdown in front of Zavi. Wynn took her suitcase when they reached the stairs so that she could focus on Rocco’s boy. His grip on her hand got tighter and tighter as they neared the front door. She knelt down to give him a final hug and kiss.

Zavi squeezed her neck so tightly that it hurt. “Don’t go, Mom.”

She smoothed his soft black hair and held his temple against her lips for a long moment. “I love you, Zavi.” She pried his arms from her neck and stood.