Rise of Fire (Reign of Shadows #2)

The king smiled slowly; a thin slit of yellowed teeth flashed amid his beard. “Thank you for that bit of truth. Finally.” His gaze shot to me. “Your honesty is appreciated. We can at last end the pretense with each other.”

“It’s time for us to leave,” I said.

“Father!” Maris stomped her foot on the ground and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at me and Luna and then looking back at Tebald as though he could do something, change this from happening. Or stop it altogether.

The king did not glance at his pouting daughter. He stared directly at me.

“We appreciate your hospitality and you allowing your physician to care for Fowler,” Luna rushed to add. As though good manners would make any difference. I had already accepted what she had failed to yet comprehend.

The king rocked back on his heels and looked up at the rafters, studying the high wood beams as if they held the utmost fascination for him. “Yes. Saving Fowler. That was perhaps an exercise in uselessness.” He brought his gaze back down, resting it on us again. “Pointless considering he shall probably die within the fortnight. The conditions of the dungeons are far from favorable. No one lasts very long there. And if my dungeon doesn’t end you, fights in the pit eventually will.” Tebald lifted a hand and snapped his fingers.

A breath shuddered through me alongside grim acceptance.

“No!” Luna grabbed my arm as if she could keep me beside her.

Guards stepped around Tebald, advancing on me. I covered Luna’s hand in my own and faced her. “Shh.” I rubbed her smooth, cool fingers, imbuing as much comfort as I could into the motion. “It’s going to be fine. You’ll see. Don’t fight them.”

“How can you say—”

“Listen to me, Luna. Everything will be fine.” They were words. I had to say them—hoped they were true. I pressed my lips against her cheek for one quick kiss, sliding my mouth close to her ear to whisper, “Don’t let them break you. Be strong; be the bold girl I know. You will come out of this. You know how to survive.” There was the escape hatch and Chasan. She was right. Chasan hated his father enough that he would try to help her.

I curled my grip around her fingers, attempting to peel them loose from my arm. She tightened her hold, hanging on with a death grip.

“What about you?” she whispered, turning her face until our noses practically touched, our lips brushing with each word spoken.

I bit back the response that I didn’t matter, that I was already lost. It would give her no comfort. It might very well feed into panic, and I needed her to feel calm. She couldn’t think or defend herself if she was panicked, and above all I needed her alert and ready to protect herself. “As long as you are well, as long as you are alive . . . thriving . . . then I am well. I will be with you always.”

Guards took hold of my arms. My calm acceptance fled. I resisted. Straining toward her, I grabbed her face. Ducking, I stole one last kiss from her lips, hard and swift. Something to take and keep with me.

Tears skipped unchecked down her cheeks as she clung to my wrists, trying to keep my hands on her face. Trying to keep me. “No, no.”

“This is nauseating,” Maris’s voice called out, dripping venom.

“Stop! Stop it! Don’t take him!” Luna’s hands slipped from my wrists as they pulled me away.

A single guard stepped in front of her, holding her back from coming after me.

They dragged me across the chamber. The king stood on the threshold, smiling. The guards paused with me before him. “I do hope you last a long time in my dungeon, Prince Fowler. I should enjoy very much watching you battle in the pit.”

I forced a smile, matching his chilling grin with one of my own. He frowned slightly at the sight of it, and that gave me immense satisfaction. Let him worry. Let him see the real me. No more pretending and acting like someone other than myself. “Don’t worry,” I promised. “I’ll be around for a long time.” I nodded once with promise, fully meaning it. “We’ll be meeting again.”

His smile returned then, hair-shrouded lips peeling back over yellowed teeth. “I admire your temerity, boy.” He chuckled. “It reminds me of myself.”

“You and I are nothing alike. I never forced a girl to do anything she didn’t want to.”

His smile vanished. “You think you are so much better than I am.”

“I don’t think it. I know I am.” One of the guards landed a blow directly to my stomach. I bent at the waist from the force. Luna cried out.

“Let’s see how you fare in another week, boy. Something tells me you won’t be nearly so cocky.”

I forced a grin. “I just might surprise you.”

“Doubtful.” He sneered and flicked his hand toward the door in dismissal. “Take him to the dungeon.”

They yanked me out of the chamber and pulled me down the corridor so fast my feet could hardly gain purchase.

Footsteps rushed behind us. Maris caught up with us, holding up her lush blue skirts, her face flushed a splotchy red as she planted herself in front of us. The guards stopped lest they run her over.