Rise of Fire (Reign of Shadows #2)

Fowler and I returned for Perla and Sivo after leaving Lagonia. Together the four of us made the trek to Relhok. In the last few months, I had learned what it was like to rule a kingdom. I was still learning. With Fowler at my side, Relhok had embraced our return. Cullan was gone, and he’d taken his reign of fear with him.

I put an end to the human sacrifices and worked toward fortifying and spreading the perimeter of our walls. Even if I controlled the dwellers, we needed to be cautious and defended against all threats. It was still a perilous world. We sent out hunting parties, building up our reserve of game and resources. With Sivo’s supervision, we worked toward cultivating farmland. The population grew as we brought in more people from the Outside. Survivors like us.

Perla pulled back with a wet sniff, draping my father’s heavy cloak more fully around my shoulders. “There now. You look like a queen.”

“Almost.” I smiled.

“Well, let’s see to making it official, shall we?” She took my elbow. “A crown awaits you.”

We exited the chamber. Fowler pushed off the wall where he was waiting.

“Your escort looks very handsome,” Perla said approvingly.

Fowler took my chilled hands in his and pressed a kiss to them. When he lifted his face, I brushed his cheek with one hand. “Yes. Yes, he does.” I didn’t need to be sighted to know this was true.

He tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow. Perla fell into step behind us as we began walking.

“Ready for your big day?” he asked over the swish of my skirts.

I tsked. “My coronation?” I shook my head. “It’s a formality. This is my kingdom. I’ve always known it. I’ve always felt it in here.” I pressed a hand over my heart, feeling its strong and steady thud.

He trailed his thumb down my cheek. “Of course you have. They’ve been waiting for you. Like I have. And like me, they love you.”

“There’s another day soon approaching that I’m anticipating much more,” I confided with a smile, leaning slightly into the length of his side.

Fowler turned to face me. “Is that so?”

With an exasperated grunt, Perla passed us. “Don’t tarry. You’ve an entire city waiting.”

In the distance, I could hear the dull roar of a crowd outside the castle, waiting for their queen. Waiting for me.

Fowler lowered his head and kissed me, slow and lingering. “Would that day happen to be our wedding day, Your Majesty?”

“It would.” I smiled against his lips, relishing his mouth on mine, his gaze warm and tender on my face.

This must be what sunlight felt like.

The light had not yet returned to the world, but someday it would. Until then, this was the closest I could get, and it was enough.

As far as I was concerned, the darkness had passed. And I lived in light.