Revel (Second Chance Romance #1)

So far, so good, filled Declan’s mind. She hadn’t realized that he still had several inches to give her.

Declan held himself there, engulfed by her, staring into Charlotte’s eyes. Her mouth was open, a small sound escaping, a kind of whimper. He resumed his glacially-slow thrusting, easing another inch into Charlotte, then two. She began to squirm. Declan’s irresistible cock wasn’t finished yet, to Charlotte’s surprise and dismay. The pain and pressure were beginning to mount, and she wasn’t sure how much more of his length her body could physically handle.

Letting go of Charlotte’s wrists, Declan gave her a command. “Reach down and touch yourself. I want this to be so good for you.”

Charlotte had never masturbated in front of anyone else, and she couldn’t stop a fleeting thought of a mortifying moment when she’d almost been caught once by her parents years ago, but Declan was so strong, so in control of her body, that she couldn’t refuse him.

As her hands busied themselves at her clit, Declan finally stopped pushing. The pain was more extreme, the stretching so deep inside her, but the pleasure she was giving herself helped her to compensate. He stayed right there, fully impaled, and kissed her; sweet, soft kisses.

So focused was Charlotte on Declan’s mouth and her own building orgasm, she barely noticed that he’d withdrawn himself halfway and thrust back inside, more quickly. She caressed herself frantically as his rhythm became more forceful, more insistent, and before she knew it he was fairly pounding her, his thrusts no longer restrained by a fear of being too rough with her virgin body.

He felt her responding, the way her hips lifted off the bed when he pulled back, the clutching feeling of her body not wanting to release his girth. He watched her eyes carefully, and he could feel her orgasm begin as they rolled back in her head. He mashed his mouth onto hers as it happened, and he gave her his most powerful thrusts at the same time, and the combination of the kiss, the climax she’d given herself, and the weapon impaled inside her sent her to heights she’d never before reached or even imagined. Her first orgasm was merely a trigger, a catalyst for what came next, a hurricane crashing through her mind and soul, turning everything upside down inside her body and her heart, sending debris flying everywhere. The landscape of Charlotte Sanders’ life reaching, in that instant, a point by which all things would be compared and measured. Events, memories, and experiences could now all be placed into one of two categories – before Declan fucked her and after. As she came down from her trip soaring above everything in the starlit Charleston sky, she wondered, indeed, if anything would ever be the same. Was this her figurative first hit of heroin, a dragon she’d chase forever, or could Declan possibly have more to show her, more incredible things he could make her body do?

She couldn’t ponder long, as his fucking, once gentle and sweet, had become more intense and relentless. His hands were behind the small of her back and down to her ass, and her ankles were crossed behind him even as her hands moved to his chest and face. She mewed and writhed, unable to look at him, lost in a swirl of emotion and sensations.

Charlotte was vaguely aware of a tender sort of soreness down there, like after she’d had a particularly intense workout, muscles that lay dormant her entire life being called into immediate and vigorous action.

Her orgasms seemed to roll, one into the next, endings and beginnings impossible to discern. Declan’s visage had taken on a peculiar sort of intensity, his teeth gritted below a forehead dotted with sweat. He was growling more than speaking.

“Charlotte, you feel so good, you’re so sexy, oh, fuck … Baby, I’m… I can’t stop…you’re going to make me…”

Charlotte threw her hands behind his neck and pulled him close, kissing him hungrily as she felt a series of his eruptions filling her with his load. He’d sat back on his haunches, pulling her completely off the bed, holding her tight to his chest as her own clenching climax served to milk him of every last drop.

The lovers collapsed onto the bed, stretched out face to face, silly smiles on both their faces, kissing cheeks and noses, fingertips exploring arms and backs, and running through hair. She nuzzled her head into his chest, his protective arms wrapping her up tight, securing her against anything the world outside those four walls could ever throw at her.

Charlotte was right where she was always meant to be. She knew that. Whatever twists and turns her life had taken, to be held by Declan DeGraff in the basking, beautiful moments after their shared bliss was more perfect than syrup on pancakes, a cool ocean breeze on scorching July day, or a mountain of presents under the tree on Christmas morning.

Declan cradled Charlotte, their legs twisted together, and they fell into a deep, contented sleep. Charlotte’s last thought before drifting away was that maybe she’d finally figured out why she’d felt drawn to Charleston.

Alison Ryan's books