Revel (Second Chance Romance #1)

She pulled back a moment and looked at him, “I’ve wanted you to tell me that... Since I met you, Declan. Is that strange to tell you?”

Declan shook his head, “I’ve wanted to say it. Since the day on the bridge. You looked… lost. Those eyes of yours, they haunted me. All I wanted to do was take the pain away. It was so clear then you were in a lot of it.”

Charlotte looked down, embarrassed. “So you pitied me?”

He smiled, “No. Well, maybe a little. I wondered why someone as beautiful as you would ever be alone on a bridge. And then I realized, you were there so I could find you.”

She looked up at him, “Like it was meant to be?”

“Yes,” he took her face in his hands again and kissed her harder this time, his mouth traveling from hers and down her neck, to her collar bone. Her long hair brushed against his face and he felt himself growing hard being this close to her. She sighed beneath him, and through the thin cotton of her tank top her nipples were swollen and stiff. His thumbs brushed against the material, making her moan.

“Declan,” she whispered. “Is this a good idea?”

He looked at her and said nothing for a moment.

“I’m not sure,” he admitted. “But I know I want you. I know you want me too. Let’s live with that tonight and worry about the rest tomorrow.”

“I’m not someone who can buy today and pay later,” she said, pulling away. “Especially when it comes to my heart.”

He gently pulled her by the arm back towards him, “I will never make you pay for anything, Charlotte. This isn’t like that.”

He pulled the thin straps of her tank top down and gently pulled her breasts out, making her gasp. His thumbs brushed against them again, the turgid peaks of her nipples beckoning him.

“Let me,” he whispered. “I can show you how I feel about you better than I can say it. And I’ll feel the same way tomorrow morning. And I’ll show you again, if you need more convincing. Let me know what it’s like to wake up to you.”

Goosebumps covered her arms, her entire body. She was wet already; she could feel it. She’d never wanted something more in her life. Even if it was a terrible idea, she couldn’t resist what he was offering her.

“Yes,” she relented. “Please. Take me, Declan. Have me however you want me. Just don’t break my heart.”


Charlotte hadn’t thought it through. She should probably have mentioned one thing before they began.

This was her first time.

But it seemed like something that would ruin the moment, so she hadn’t said anything. She’d made a decision to just go with it-for once.

He’d pulled the boxers she slept in off as she laid back in her bed, her wild hair fanning out behind her on the pillow. His shirt was off and he towered above her in just his boxer briefs. Of course his body was perfect; rippling abs, muscled pectorals, thickly roped arms that she couldn’t wait to be pulled and directed by. She was trying not to squirm under his gaze. But he wouldn’t stop staring.

“Fuck, you’re sexy,” he said as he fell towards her onto the bed. He was above her now, supported by his arms, his hands on both sides of her shoulders. His eyes were intense and filled with lust. He’d never looked at her like this before.

“Thank you,” she said, feeling silly. “I mean. I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything,” he kissed her deeply and she could feel his hardness against her own wetness, the only thing separating them the flimsy material of his boxer briefs.

He put one of his arms under her and pulled her toward him, releasing it only to pull her tank top off over her head, leaving her naked before him.

“Wow,” he said. “Your body…”

Charlotte was all curves and smooth, tan skin. Her breasts were full and at attention and he could see the slickness on her inner thighs. She was so ready for him and he was almost bursting out of his briefs. He needed to be inside her.

His kisses were voracious, covering her neck and down to her shoulders, then back to her mouth. As he moved, his erection rubbed against her, setting her sex aflame. She stole a glance down as he changed positions and she noticed the front of his underwear was soaked through, sending a jolt of embarrassment through her, ashamed of her body for betraying her desperation so lewdly.

In her inexperience, she didn’t realize that Declan was leaking what felt to him like gallons of fluid, contributing more than his share to the mess his underwear had become.

Alison Ryan's books