Revel (Second Chance Romance #1)

He slid down her body a bit, taking first one nipple, then the other, into his mouth, flicking at them with his tongue. Unbeknownst to Charlotte, he’d taken the opportunity to shed his last garment, and when he moved back up to resume kissing her mouth, there was no longer any barrier between their scalding hot bodies.

She felt it before she saw it, his cock pulsing with every heartbeat as Declan’s shaft slid against her opening, up and down, grinding as they kissed. A curious sensation overwhelmed her, an emptiness. Deep down to her core. A void that needed to be filled, more even than her lungs needed to be inflated by her ragged breaths. Her body needed to be filled by Declan, she needed to feel that throbbing not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. Charlotte’s body was desperate for Declan’s powerful cock to stretch her, explore her body, and touch places nothing ever had.

He took her face in his hands and straddled her hips, kissing her passionately. When he broke the kiss, she got her first look at what she’d been feeling, standing tall against his taut stomach. Charlotte’s eyes widened at his size, not knowing what she’d expected, but suddenly she was very nervous.

“Declan,” she said. “I have to tell you something.”

“Just relax,” he said, running the back of his hand up and down her left side, making her shiver. “You’re so perfect.”

“Well,” Charlotte said, her mouth suddenly unable to form the words she wanted to tell him. “I… I have to tell you though. So you won’t be disappointed…”

He looked at her then, his eyes soft and concerned, “What is it, baby?”

Baby. No man had ever called her that. She liked how it sounded coming from him.

“Well, I know its lame, but I’ve never done this before,” she said, her heart pounding.

Declan’s expression changed and Charlotte suddenly wanted to untell what she’d just told.

“You’re a virgin?” he asked. “You’ve never…” He let the sentence go unfinished.

Charlotte shook her head, tears suddenly falling down her cheeks, “I told you, I’m ridiculous and weird and not like anyone…”

He pressed his finger against her lips, “Charlotte. It’s okay. I’m just surprised. There’s nothing lame or ridiculous about it. I just want to know you want this and that I’m not pressuring you.”

Charlotte nodded, “I want it so bad, Declan. More than anything. I just didn’t want you to wonder why I wasn’t good at it or whatever. I don’t know what I’m doing.” She threw an arm over her eyes. God this was a nightmare. She was ruining everything.

Gently, but firmly, Declan took her wrist in his hand and pulled her arm away from her face and positioned it above her head. He moved her other hand in a similar fashion, crossing them above her head and holding them fast with one of his large hands.

He cradled her face with his other hand, staring deep into her eyes. “Charlotte. I’ll be as gentle as I can, but this is going to hurt. You understand that, right? The first time always does, I imagine.” As he spoke, she could feel the power of his erection again rubbing against her. “If it gets to be too much, tell me. If you like something, let me know. I don’t want you to be scared or uncomfortable. Okay?”

With her wrists still loosely restrained above her head, her entire body trembling with anticipation, Charlotte bit her bottom lip and nodded.

Declan replied to her nod by reaching down with his free hand to line himself up with her opening. He didn’t expect to encounter her hymen, he’d heard somewhere that many girls lose them playing sports, riding horses, that sort of thing. Declan had never been one to doubt his sexual prowess, but something about Charlotte made him uncharacteristically nervous. He’d realize later that it was the fact that he truly wanted her to feel special, to make it memorable, for her to have no regrets. That for the first time in his life, he had genuine feelings about the person he was fucking. Or in this case, making love to. He wanted her to experience pleasure even more than he wanted it for himself.

He entered Charlotte slowly, finding that their combined arousal had everything so wet that he slid inside more easily than he expected to. She gasped and winced, but only for a moment. As he began to ease in deeper, he spoke in a voice just this side of a whisper. “Look into my eyes, Charlotte. I want to share this moment with you completely. Look right into my eyes.”

Her eyes were glassy, difficult to focus, but Charlotte tried. It seemed to take an eternity, but finally he’d stopped his forward motion. There was pressure, and definitely some pain, but it was a delicious kind of pressure, a sumptuous pain. I can’t believe that whole thing is inside me, Charlotte thought.

Alison Ryan's books