Revel (Second Chance Romance #1)

“You’re still naked,” he whispered against her hair. “Do you know what that does to me?”

“Show me,” she said, straddling him. “I need you again. I’ve never had sex in the morning, after all.”


Declan had never been with a girl that made him constantly want her. He’d been with girls before and he’d had his fun, but he was always glad to see them leave afterward. With Charlotte it was different. She was the high he never wanted to come down from.

That morning, after making love again, they laid next to one another, panting and smiling, watching the ceiling fan whirl above them.

“What have you done to me?” Declan said out loud.

Charlotte smiled, “What have we done to each other?”

Declan pulled her toward him, “I want to take you to breakfast.”

“It would be more like brunch now,” Charlotte pointed out. “Or early lunch. But I’ll take you up on it.”

“Have you been to Hominy Grill?” he asked, sitting up to pull a t-shirt over his broad shoulders. She sat up next to him, the sheet wrapped around her, her wild hair tousled.

“Nope,” she said. “I never go out to eat for the most part. Not in this town.”

“God you look good,” he said, kissing her. “You’ve made me famished. I need sustenance so I can continue to give you everything your body needs.”

“Oh?” she teased. “And what does my body need?”

“Me,” Declan said. “And that’s okay for me to say. Because mine needs yours just as much.”


Hominy Grill is one of Charleston’s most popular breakfast destinations.

“Get the Big Nasty,” Declan said as they sat down at a table near the window. “It’s what I always get.”

Charlotte looked at the menu, “I think I’m getting the huevos rancheros.”

Declan took a long sip from his glass of sweet tea and shook his head, “You’re such a damn Yankee. But suit yourself. You’re going to wish you’d followed my advice when you see them bring me mine.”

Charlotte smiled, “Well, you’ll have to give me a bite, won’t you?”

It was so different now, between them. Charlotte was almost out of her mind with happiness over what had happened the previous night. She was still sore, she guessed because it was her first time. But it was a lovely kind of ache, it made her feel like she belonged to someone, and that someone was Declan DeGraff. A guy almost all of Charleston would want to claim as theirs.

He’d been so kind to her, so gentle, yet so aggressive at the same time. His confidence had been what sent her over the edge, and his need to use her body for his own pleasure. At one point she’d had an orgasm that morning that came in waves-one after the other after the other. She’d called out his name, involuntarily.

“Declan!” she’d screamed. It had only spurred him into thrusting harder, into coaxing more from her. She’d dug her nails into his shoulders, biting her lip ‘til it was almost bleeding as he’d fucked her that morning, sweat making them slippery against each other.

And now here they sat, just like any other couple, eating a charming breakfast together in a city that now represented the place where she’d finally become a woman.

She’d gone from being so miserable to feeling on top of the world.


“More,” she begged him later that afternoon. “Please.”

She was naked on her bed and his face was buried between her legs. His licks and probes were driving her to the edge of her sanity. He’d take her to the cliff of coming, and pull back, making her whimper.

“Beg me louder,” he growled. “Tell me exactly what you want, Charlotte.”

“To come!” she screamed and suddenly that’s exactly what she was doing. She bucked against his face, her hips rising, her toes curling as he sucked on her clit, his fingers inside her.

“God,” she whispered as she came down from it. He had slip up to her now, her legs now wrapped around his waist as he entered her slowly.

“I need to come,” he said. “That was too fucking sexy. I need to come so bad, Charlotte.”

His eyes were pleading as he thrusted and she wrapped her sweaty arms around him, pulling his face toward hers.

“Only if you look at me,” she whispered. “And I can come too.”

She could hear his thrusts, the sound of him going in and out of her making her aroused again. His body was so strong, so commanding and hard with lean muscle. She still couldn’t believe this was happening, that this moment was real.

“Charlotte!” he called out to her and she felt him emptying himself inside of her, his seed painting the inside of her body. She writhed as he slowed his thrusts, growling above her from the pain of the intense orgasm.

“Fuck,” he said as he collapsed beside her. “That was the most incredible sexual experience… ever.”

She grinned, “But I’m such a newbie at this…”

Alison Ryan's books