Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

Traveling through time faster than she could blink. Jumping around from one place to another. Lauren broke out in a sweat. She just wanted normal! Breathe. Just breathe. “Is this like a safe house or something?”

Thane’s gaze landed on the house. “You could call it that, especially now. It’s separate from any other dimension in time.”

Apprehension tightened, spurring queasiness in Lauren. He wouldn’t casually reveal a secret like this. Something was wrong. “Is Reid on his way?”

“This is our emergency fallback.” Thane’s mouth flattened into a grim line. “He knows this is the safest place for us to protect you.”

Celine brushed dirt from her jeans and shirt. “Protect us from what?”

“That’s what we need to figure out.”

The front door to the house opened. A broad-shouldered man dressed in hiking boots, jeans, and a gray long-sleeved shirt emerged. In the next instant, he stood before them. A silvery golden light bathed his long, dark hair and bronze skin. His laser-sharp gaze focused on Thane. “Why are you here?”

The way he snapped out the last word caused Lauren to flinch.

“I don’t have time to get into it. We’ve got problems. Consider me reinstated.” They stared as if in silent communication.

This must be Dalir. His anger seemed to melt into a questioning frown. “Go.”

Thane disappeared.

Dalir turned to Celine and Lauren. He’s an ancient warrior with powers. Reid’s remembered words sunk in. Lauren closed her mouth and gulped. Dalir didn’t look much older than Reid or Thane.

“I am Dalir. You are safe.” He spun on his heel and stalked toward the house.

She and Celine followed at a walk-jog pace.

“What about Reid?” Lauren blurted out. “You have powers. Aren’t you going to help find him?”

Celine’s eyes widened. She shook her head at Lauren, trying to get her to shut up.

Forget about keeping secrets. They had to find Reid.

Dalir paused in mid-stride. He turned to Lauren. “Who told you?”

“Reid didn’t have a choice. I saw him time travel, phase, or whatever it is.”

His jawline squared. Dalir flicked his gaze over Celine. “I’m assuming Thane didn’t keep his mouth shut, either?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Lauren’s control completely snapped. “I get you’re upset about us knowing, but there’s a whole pile of crazy crap happening that’s more important than your little secret. You think you’re having a bad day. Let me give you a taste of mine. I watched Reid almost get killed saving a woman. Then he tells me he can travel time and that pretty much equaled the end of our relationship. I get kidnapped by some sadist nutjob who threatened to slit my throat if I didn’t get in touch with Reid. Apparently, he’s got unfinished business with his asshole brother and thinks Reid can help him.” Hysteria trumped reason as she threw her hands in the air. “And courtesy of this so-called gift you passed along, I’ve experienced the equivalent of a roller coaster ride during the worst hurricane ever.” She stepped up to Dalir, rose on her toes, and poked his chest. “Yes! They told us. Embrace the suck, move on, and find Reid!”

Dalir’s moved her hand away from him. “Calm down.”

She couldn’t look away from his stormy, gray eyes as his voice echoed in her mind. Like water thrown on fire, her anger flickered away to steam.

“Lauren?” Celine clutched her hand. “Something’s wrong with her.”

“Shock.” Dalir swung Lauren up into his arms and stalked to the house.

I am not in shock! Part of her silently raged in the midst of unnatural calm. She couldn’t express the thought.

Celine followed them through the living room and into the kitchen.

He put Lauren down.

The tile floors didn’t have a speck of dirt. A lone coffee maker sat on the shining marble counters. Nothing was out of place. Polished. Perfect. Surreal. She felt off balance. A wave of dizziness came over her. Celine wrapped an arm around Lauren’s shoulder.

“Sit.” Dalir pointed. Four deep brown, solid wood chairs surrounded a matching table.

Celine bristled. “Would it put a cramp in your style to say please? And take Lauren off of mute or whatever it is you did to her. You can’t just shut people up because you don’t want to hear what they have to say. She has every right to be upset.”

Lauren waited for him to zap Celine.

He snagged two mugs from the drain board and filled them with water from the faucet.

He put them in the microwave, slammed the door, and jabbed the control buttons. “Sit. Please.”

“Thank you.” Celine crossed her arms. “We will just as soon as we freshen up. Where’s the bathroom?”

Dalir pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. He pointed to the brick, arched entryway. “To the right.”

In the bathroom, Lauren washed out her mouth in the sink. Parts of her felt raw. Her head throbbed. Everywhere else ached. Her dress was trashed.

Nina Crespo's books