Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

And possibly lose Celine forever.

He’d wronged Thane by accusing him of abandoning the team. Stupidity. Selfishness. Take a pick. His ego had almost destroyed his friendship with Thane. His best friend. His brother.

Reid and Thane materialized back-to-back in the woods near the cabin, weapons drawn. They listened. Waited. All clear.

Thane signaled he’d move left to check the perimeter. His footfalls were undetectable as he disappeared in the trees.

Reid circled the opposite direction. Leaves rustled in the wind. The cabin came into view. No movement. No sound. No vehicles. Fuck. Without their com sets, scopes, and the rest of their gear, they were going in blind. Reid completed a quick-phase of the perimeter. A faint energy-like buzz approached him. Thane. They materialized and took a knee.

“You see anything?” Thane darted a glance at Reid.

“Negative.” Reid’s unease mounted.

What had Kell done with Lauren? He shook off the anxiety. Here. Now. That’s what mattered. A strong wind blew through the trees and swirled up a funnel of leaves by the shed. That sound. Not the breeze. A muffled cry?

He tapped Thane. “The shed. I think I heard something. Cover me. I’m going inside.”

Thane moved into position.

Reid phased to the side of the shed. He pressed back to the wall. Thane materialized by the covered woodpile. If they didn’t find her there, they’d phase to the cabin. He inched toward the doors. A muffled moan carried through the vinyl-covered steel. His heart sped up. He signaled the countdown to Thane on his fingers. Three. Two. One. Reid phased inside. Lauren lay tied and gagged in the middle of floor. Energy waved into the room. Formidable. Slightly familiar. Not Thane or the others, but unmistakable in perception. A threat.

Reid snatched her up. As they quick-phased, it was as if time and space flowed through him. His senses heightened. Every object and sound stood out visible and clear. In midflight, he felt the depth of Lauren’s fear. He held her close. I’ll keep you safe.

As if she’d heard him, Lauren relaxed and gazed at him.

What did she see? A burst of golden light or his face?

A cold foreign energy sliced through him. Gravity rapidly sucked them down. His arms grew numb and his grip loosened from around her waist. He’d lost control of the phase. Was Thane right? Had the contents in the canisters screwed with his power? But he couldn’t drop Lauren. He had to get her away from Kell.

A golden light barreled through the slow stream of time. Thane. Reid gathered his energy and flung her toward his best friend.

Lauren screamed as she broke free of Reid. For her, it would feel as if he’d ripped a bandage from a large, open wound.

Reid crashed through the roof of the shed. He hit solid ground. Air wheezed painfully in his chest. A metallic taste bubbled into his mouth. Thane’s phase signature dissipated. Tears wet Reid’s eyes. He’d fucked up her life and put her danger, but he’d saved her from Kell. Whatever happened to him didn’t matter. He’d freed Lauren.

Lauren spiraled downward, out of control. Her skin burned. Her heart ached. What happened to Reid? A force slammed into her back. The twisting stopped. She soared. Within seconds, she landed. Warmth and hard muscle cushioned the impact. The strong arms banded around her waist loosened.

“Lauren.” Thane’s chest rose and fell with harsh breaths. “Are you with me?”

“Yes.” A spasm clenched her belly. “I’m going to be sick.”

He rolled Lauren toward the toilet.

Celine burst into the motel bathroom. “Oh, thank God you made it!” She held back Lauren’s hair. “You’ll be okay. It’s because of the quick-phase.”

Heat flooded Lauren cheeks. Celine knew about the guys and she hadn’t said anything?

Thane untied Lauren’s hands and helped her up. As the blood tingled back into her fingers, Thane’s golden-brown gaze rested on Celine. “Baby, do you trust me?”

The love and concern in his eyes prompted pangs of longing in Lauren.

Celine kissed him. “Of course I do.”

Thane wrapped one arm around Celine. He wrapped his other arm around Lauren. “Hold tight.” He gave Lauren an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

Chapter 16

Lauren stood on shaky legs. The roller coaster of twirls and spins had gone on forever.

A deep blue sky showcased snowcapped mountains and trees. A lush carpet of grass unfolded to a modern home. Sunlight reflected off of large glass panels in the center of the log and brick two-story. It complemented the picture-perfect landscape.

Celine sat on the ground, mouth agape. “Where are we?”

“We call it The Drift.” Thane helped Celine up. “It’s the ancient’s home.”

Nina Crespo's books