Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

Where was she? Where was the man who’d taken her? What did he want? She squirmed. A tingling ache radiated through her shoulders from the strain of her hands tied behind her.

The back door opened. The blond man from the hospital chapel peered in. “You’re awake.” He pulled her into a sitting position. “I’m removing the gag, but if you scream, you’ll regret it.” His brow rose with an indulgent expression. “Trust me. You don’t want that.”

He tipped a bottle of water to her lips, and she greedily chugged. “Who are you and why are you doing this?”

His gaze narrowed as if considering the questions. “You’re my insurance policy.”

She swallowed hard, forcing water past the tightening in her throat. “For what?”

“I need your boyfriend”

“He’s not my boyfriend. I don’t mean that much to him.” She prayed for that. Reid had more important people to save.

He chuckled. “We both know that’s a lie. Time to go home.” He stepped aside and let her get out.

Dirt crunched under her wedge heels as they walked through the trees. They were east of the cabin. Chances were she knew the area better than he did. She could fight and get away. Lauren pretended to stumble and sagged heavily.

His hold loosened.

She spun and kneed him in the balls.

He let go and Lauren ran, kicking off her sandals in the process. She sprinted in the direction of the pond. Twigs snapped. Gravel dug into her soles. Please! Let someone be there.

Full body contact slammed her to the ground. He crushed her ribs as he fisted her hair. His exhalations heated the tears on her cheek. “Try that again, and I will hurt you. Permanently.”

Her captor hauled her up so hard her shoulder popped. Lauren sank her teeth into her bottom lip, stifling a yelp. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing it. “You won’t win.”

He yanked her back against his chest. His cologne mixed sickeningly with the scent of sweat. “Yes. I will. I’m what’s least expected. He won’t see me coming when I take back what’s mine, and your boyfriend will help me do it.”

As she looked into his eyes, cold slithered through her. Fair trade didn’t exist in his DNA. He’d hurt Reid. “Who are you?”

His arrogant grin didn’t reach his eyes. “My brother’s worst nightmare.”

Chapter 15

Thane and Reid materialized in the woods near the cabin.

Reid triangulated his position according to the sun and pointed left. “This way.”

“You sure about that?” Thane adjusted the backpack hanging from his shoulder.

“Definitely.” Reid’s past and present had sorted itself out clearly now.

“Are you sure you don’t want to change?” Thane eyed Reid’s torn and muddy clothes. In contrast, Thane, dressed in cargo pants, boots, and a T-shirt, appeared ready for an afternoon trek.

“No. Let’s get this done.”

They climbed uphill. Reid filled Thane in on Dent and Project Samson. “After Dent crashed, I grabbed the canisters. I knew something was wrong as soon as I phased. I couldn’t control it.”

He led Thane past the clearing where he and Lauren had stopped on their hike. He’d let impatience get in the way. If they’d only hiked a bit longer, he may have remembered. He would have left, and Lauren wouldn’t hate him.

“I’d phased to the cabin once in the future. When I realized I wasn’t going to make it back to the team, I focused on getting to a safe place. At the time, coming here made sense.” He stopped near a cluster of trees. “It felt like I was splintering into pieces. I barely remember burying the canisters and marking the tree.” He pointed to his shirt tied to one of the limbs. “I passed out. You know the rest.”

Thane unzipped the pack and took out a folding shovel. “Your story tracks so far. Let’s see if it’s here.” He dug into the damp earth. The dirt he piled near the hole grew higher and higher.

It has to be there. Reid resisted the urge to drop down and scoop dirt out the hole.

Thane hit metal.

A breath of relief whooshed out of Reid.

“Jackpot.” Thane smiled as he dug around the silver case. He reached for DELILAH.

“Wait.” Reid grabbed his arm. “Put on the gloves. When I grabbed the case from Dent’s car, the canisters were leaking. What’s inside of them burned my hand.”

“I think we found the cause of what messed up your phase. Nanotech manipulates matter on a molecular level.”

Realization dawned. “That probably explains what happened today after the accident. I knew I’d busted a rib, and the EMT’s said my shoulder needed to be stitched up. By the time I got to the hospital, I was fine. DELILAH must have healed my injuries, but it killed the other guys in Project Samson. Why not me?”

“Your phase ability maybe, and because you’re too stubborn to die.” Thane put on the gloves and took out the case. His phone chimed a marimba tone. “That’s Celine.”

“Aren’t you going to answer it?”

“Nope. We need to get this done.” He chuckled wryly. “And I also need more time to prepare for what she’s going to say about you and Lauren.”

Nina Crespo's books