Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

Ancient power bled into his mind. Fucking impossible. But undeniable. He strengthened mental barriers. They held.

The cold sweat of relief trickled down his spine. Phasing eluded him, but he’d blocked Kell. The last thing he needed was a twisted ancient pawing through his thoughts and memories. He’d always wondered why Dalir had trained them so hard in mind protection. Now it made sense why he’d acted like such an asshole. Another ancient. Just Kell, or did more exist?

Kell cocked his head. “So you honestly think you can handle me?”

“Focus on a familiar image. Recall how every detail stimulates the senses. Hold onto it as if it’s the most precious possession in the world.”

Dalir’s remembered words brought calmness. “Mind games. All day. Every day. They’re my specialty.”

Kell chuckled. “At least you’ll be a challenge. Xenia. You remember her, don’t you?”

The image of the dark haired researcher from the botched mission flashed in. She’d disappeared into nowhere. Kell was involved? How had Dalir missed it? “How is the twisted scientist doing? Still cooking up nasty surprises in the lab?”

“A brilliant mind with clear motivation, but I overestimated her capabilities.” As Kell slowly circled, he nudged him.

Reid swung back and forth like a pendulum. Discomfort tingled down his arms. “Sounds like she messed up your day.”

“It was a disappointment when I found her crawling through the ducts of that dwelling.”

“You mean the shopping mall?”

“Yes, that’s it, the mall. I’d arrived too late to find what drew me there. The way she was scurrying away like a scared mouse, I thought she had answers.” Kell’s exhale blew on Reid’s nape. “But…”

“She didn’t.”

“Unfortunately, no.”

Volts of electricity zapped into Reid’s side. His seizing muscles crushed his chest and stole air from his lungs. The surge ended. The raw burn of pain remained. He dangled from the chains. A roundhouse kick by a mule would have hurt less.

“Oh, I like this!” Kell held up a stun gun. “Your woman was carrying it. If I would have had this at my disposal, Xenia may have lasted. She died before she could tell me what I needed to know.”

The grimy, peeling tile framing Kell’s polished shoes came into focus. Understanding settled in Reid. Kell had ripped into Xenia’s thoughts, mining for information. He’d tortured her to death. Why? What could she have possibly known?

“I learned my lesson with Xenia. I forgot how fragile humans are. Pry too hard or deeply into your mind, and you’ll pop like an egg. I have to sprinkle in a few rudimentary techniques in with my power. Like salt in a dish, I have to make sure I find the right balance.” Kell laid the stun gun on the chair. He took off his jacket and arranged it over the back. You’ll last much longer than she did.” He smiled peacefully as he rolled up his sleeves. “Mind or body. I can’t wait to see which one crumbles first.”

Lauren. Reid let the image of her emerge. When she smiled, he wanted to discover a million ways to keep her happy. He lifted his head. One more detail before he let Lauren completely sweep him away. “What did you expect Xenia to tell you?”

“What you will. Eventually.” Kell’s blue-eyed, brown-eyed gaze grew cold. “Where to find Dalir.”

Chapter 17

Lauren slipped out the door of the house. She hastened across the expansive front lawn surrounded by trees and ornamental shrubs. Celine had been doting on her like a mother hen. After running her a hot bath, Celine had practically dressed her in the blouse and jeans she’d let her borrow. Complaining wasn’t fair. If Thane hadn’t retrieved Celine’s luggage, she’d be stuck in her grimy dress, remembering Kell’s hands on her. She didn’t want to sleep, eat, or wait for news any longer. If she didn’t get fresh air, she’d combust. Too many hours had passed.

A bad feeling kept hounding her. Where was Reid? Why hadn’t Thane returned? What was Dalir doing to find Reid?

She veered down a stone path lined with neatly squared bushes and colorful flowers. Further in, taller shrubs shielded her from view. Along the way, the path curved right then left. She followed it through a series of turns to a dead end. A maze? Lauren traced her steps back. Everything looked the same. After several wrong turns, she grew more intrigued than annoyed. Finally, she emerged. Water flowed down a beige stone shaped like a triangle in the center of a circular pool. An infinity symbol was etched on one side of it. The soothing scents of orchids, roses, and green foliage lulled her into closing her eyes.

Leaves rustled.

Lauren whipped around.

Dalir broke through the bushes. His expression morphed from troubled to surprise in seeing her.

She sat on a marble bench and braced for the worst. “Any word from Reid or Thane?”


Nina Crespo's books