Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

With each lick along the seam he delved deeper. Every swipe over her clit a final reward she ached to receive. The glide of his tongue. The heat of his mouth. The thrust of his fingers into her sex, all pulled her in like an overpowering addiction. She orgasmed and her cries burned her throat. Lauren floated in pure pleasure.

He stretched out on top of her. She looked into his eyes. Her breath caught. Instead of passion, hardness filled his gaze. He swept kisses down to her ear. “Someone’s outside.”

Her heart hammered. A whimper escaped.

“I’m right here.” Reid whispered. “No one will hurt you.” He shifted more to the side. “I need you to do exactly as I tell you. When I roll off, run and lock yourself in the bedroom. If anyone tries to get in there but me, shoot them.”

Fear gripped her, but Reid remained stone cold, calm. He rolled to the side. She ran. Once in the room, she slammed the door. Her hands shook as she locked it. Breaths heaved out of her chest. He’d said to get the gun. She grabbed it from the bedside table drawer and chambered a round. Get dressed. If someone came through the door she wasn’t confronting them naked. She scrambled into sweatpants, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes. She’d assumed Thane had spotted Reid that afternoon. Who else was out there?

Chapter 12

Reid hustled into his jeans and grabbed the fire poker. Just his luck to have a gun in the loft, but no bullets. He’d take his chances. He wanted this perverted, dysfunctional motherfucker.

The French doors rattled as he flung them open. He took the stairs by twos and threes from the deck. At a flat-out run, he hauled it to the side of the house. The full moon illuminated the night. A shadow popped out from behind the covered woodpile. He swung the poker.

The guy ducked and blocked every swing as if he anticipated it. Then he charged.

Reid connected with an elbow to the head.

His opponent retaliated with a swift punch near the ribs.

Reid’s breath hitched. More punches connected for both of them.

“Damn it, Reid, stop. It’s me.”

This asshole knew his name? “Who are you?” Reid felt the opening, and he went for a headlock.

His opponent slipped out of his hold.

“Thane?” Lauren approached with a flashlight.

The beam momentarily blinded Reid. He blocked it with his hand. “Lauren, go inside.”

“No.” She pointed the light and the gun at Thane. “How do you know Reid?”

As Thane sat up, he gave Reid a quizzical look. Thane spat on the ground. “We were in the same band.”

In the kitchen, Lauren dabbed at Reid’s bleeding lip with a cloth. “It’s not as bad as I thought. I don’t think you’ll need stitches. What about your ribs? They’re bruised. Are you sure it doesn’t hurt when you breathe?”

“I’m fine. Take a look.” He lifted his shirt. “It looked worse than it really was.” Funny. It didn’t hurt like earlier.

“Looks like you’re a fast healer.” Her gentle swipes grew harder. The sting zipped into him. “I can’t believe you ran out there like that.”

He took the cloth from her hand. “I can’t believe you didn’t do what I told you.” He suppressed the hint of pride welling up. She hadn’t listened to him, but she also hadn’t shown fear.

“You knowing Thane is a weird coincidence. At least he can help you fill in the blanks.” Her gaze drifted to the living room. Thane was on the phone with Celine. “Do you think you two can talk without wailing on each other again?”

“Looks like we have to.” How were Thane and Lauren connected? Why did the two of them in the same room seem wrong? “You mind giving us time alone?”

“Of course not. I need to call Celine after Thane is finished. Just remember to keep it civil. I don’t like seeing you bruised and bloody.”

A frisson of irritation kicked up. “You make it sound like I got my ass kicked.”

She huffed in exasperation. “Give this to Thane.”

He took the cold pack and caught her hip. Ignoring the pain, he kissed her. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She gave him a small smile and walked down the hall.

Reid stalked into the living room and handed Thane the pack. “How’s your head?”

“Attached.” Thane pressed the pack above the back of his neck. “Are you serious about losing your memory?”

“Yep.” Reid crossed his arms. “You can start filling in the gaps by telling me why you were peeping at my bare ass.”

“Trust me. Your ass is the last thing I wanted to see. Celine said Lauren was acting weird. I came by to check on her and look around. When I saw the tattoo on your back, I had to be sure.”


Thane tipped his head toward the glass doors. “We should step outside. Lauren shouldn’t hear this.”

They headed to the deck, and sat opposite each other on benches at the wood table.

Unease twisted in Reid’s gut. “Let me guess. We’re not in a band.”

“Actually, we are.” Thane tossed the ice pack aside. “I better start from the beginning.”

Nina Crespo's books