Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

“Not sure. I should get started on the potato salad. Thane begged me to make it. ” Celine dumped potatoes into the sink and washed them. “Has Reid remembered anything?”

“I think so. He kept having bad dreams last night. He doesn’t want to tell me about them. Not that he has to. Technically, we’re not a couple.”

“Do you want to keep seeing him?”

“I don’t know. So many things are up in the air.” Lauren put a pot of water on the stove. “I had a flashback of my mom and dad and all of their communication issues when Reid wouldn’t talk this morning. I know I’m being silly. He’s trying to figure things out, but I’d like to know a little about what he’s thinking. What about Thane? Is he the silent type?”

“Sometimes. He doesn’t like to talk about his past with the band.” Celine’s brow crinkled. “The situation is…complicated. It was a hard breakup. He hasn’t talked to Reid or any of them since it happened. No telling how Reid feels. You may have to give him time to tell you about it.”

“Does Thane not talking bother you?”

“A little. But if something is going to affect us, he’s promised to let me in on it. I realized I had a choice to make about our relationship. I could either worry about what I don’t know or trust him.” Celine held Lauren’s gaze. “Dominic used to always tell me that I knew what I wanted. That I should trust myself. I’m choosing to trust Thane because I know myself and what I want. If you want a chance with Reid, for now, you might want to just trust how you feel about him.”

Lauren cut up potatoes and dropped them into the boiling water. Maybe she was making too big of deal about Reid not talking. Assumptions would drive her nuts and put a wedge between them. Why not enjoy the time they had together and make more concrete decisions when the facts emerged?

Reid came inside. “Thane said we have chips and queso.”

“Here.” Celine handed Reid the plastic bag with the snacks.

He grinned and kissed Lauren. “Don’t worry, beautiful. I’m taking the healthy stuff, too.” Reid grabbed the plate of chopped veggies and dip out of the fridge and left.

“Beautiful, huh?” Celine raised a brow.

“What?” Lauren couldn’t stop the grin blooming with the flush in her cheeks.

“Nothing.” Celine chuckled. “Just think I got my answer about you continuing to see Reid.”

They indulged in girl chat and gossip. Then on the deck with the guys, food and conversation added more enjoyment to the lazy afternoon.

Thane recounted a humorous story about Reid. “We were staying at this hotel in Nashville. The place was packed with a group of older ladies on a cross-country tour. College spring breakers had nothing on them. Two of the women kept eyeing Reid. Everywhere he went, there they were, waving at him from the side of the pool, sending him drinks at the bar. He calls it a night and goes up to his room. I look around, and the ladies are gone, too. Being the good friend that I am, I go upstairs to make sure my buddy is all right.”

Reid was sitting beside Lauren, straddling the bench. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this story?”

“Wait.” Thane grinned. “It gets better. According to him, he was taking a shower when he heard someone banging on the door like all hell was breaking loose. So, of course, he answers the door wearing a towel around his waist. I walked out the elevator just in time to see one of his admirers pinching his ass and him jumping. Then the door shut on part of the towel with him barely holding onto it.”

Lauren giggled and Celine spit out her soda.

Reid pulled Lauren between his thighs, feigning irritation. “So you think that’s funny?”

Tears welled as she held back laughter. One look at Thane and Celine trying not to crack up made her lips quiver. She lost it. “Sorry. I can’t stop imagining your face when that woman copped a feel.”

Reid’s ears turned pink but humor lit up his eyes. “I’m sure I handled it like a gentleman and kept my mouth shut,”

“Actually, you looked terrified.” Thane snickered. “Especially when one of them started waving money in the air while the other one grabbed the towel.”

Reid’s gaze narrowed on Thane. “And what were you doing while this was going on?”

“I was coming up with a plan to save you, which I did.” Thane sipped his beer. “Eventually.”

Lauren couldn’t hold back a shriek.

Thane and Celine laughed just as hard.

Reid pointed at Thane. “Keep it up. When I get my memory back, I’m airing all your dirty laundry.”

Thane sobered. “Nothing to tell. I’m a straight-up choir boy.”

“Oh, please.” Celine whacked him. “Stop lying before we’re all fried by lightning.”

Thane smiled as he put an arm around Celine’s shoulders. “All right, I confess. Maybe I didn’t follow the straight and narrow until I met you.”

“Uh-huh.” Celine kissed his cheek. “You’ve picked on Reid enough today, choir boy. Why don’t you get your guitar?”

Nina Crespo's books