Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

“I hate to break it to you, beautiful, but carrot sticks and slices of fruit don’t fit the junk category.”

“And once again you underestimate my food capabilities. Follow me and learn.” Lauren got out of bed and dressed in a sleep shirt.

His jeans had dried out enough so he put them on. What he’d give for clothes. Washing and wearing the same set over and over again was becoming a pain.

In the kitchen, she reached up to the top shelf of an upper cabinet. “See?”

Reid accepted the package of chocolate bars. “I stand corrected. What else are you hiding up there?” He took down a box of cinnamon graham crackers and marshmallows. “Plan on reliving your Girl Scout camping days?”

“No.” Her face reddened. “I wasn’t a Girl Scout, and just because I bought this stuff doesn’t mean I was planning to make s’mores.”

“You said it. I didn’t.” He leaned his hands on the counter and blocked her in. “I’m not judging you.”

She worried her lower lip.

He stopped her with a quick kiss. “What’s so special about this?”

Lauren focused on his chest. The hell-no list and now the s’mores, he made her want to confess all of her secrets. And break her rules. She’d meant what she said. Finding his identity trumped everything. It didn’t matter if he worked in one of the professions on the list. Even to the point where she might consider seeing him again if he asked.

He bent to eye level. “You can tell me.”

“My dad used to build a fire out back. We’d make s’mores.” A lump formed in her throat. “I’d planned on making them one last time.”

Reid stood. “Let’s do it then.”

“It’s wet outside.”

“The older firewood under the tarp is dry enough. We can use the fireplace. The metal skewers in the box of camping gear will work.” He went to get his shirt and boots.

“Okay.” Giddiness fueled her steps to the loft. By the time she’d skewered the marshmallows, Reid had a fire. Wood popped and snapped with the growing flames.

Lauren put paper towels and the makings for the s’mores on the coffee table. “It’s going to feel like a sauna in here.”

“I’ve got a solution for that, too.” Reid whipped off his shirt and tossed it aside. “We get naked.”

The dragon inked on him from shoulder to back rippled as if it had come to life. His abdominals rippled, too. Angled cuts of muscle low on his abdomen featured the downy trail leading to his sex. He lowered his zipper and his length spilled out. As he dragged off his jeans, heat flushed through her breasts.

“Lauren.” The rasp in his voice snapped her eyes up. “Keep looking at me like that, and we’ll forget about s’mores.”

“Can’t I have both?”

He chuckled. “Baby, I like the way you think.”

As she took off her shirt, his grin faded with lust. Reid snagged the throw blankets from the couch and tucked one of them around her. “Let’s keep covered up.” His lips sweeping down the curve of her neck brought shivers. “At least for now.” He wrapped the other blanket around his waist. “Shall we?”

They sat in front of the fireplace holding skewers. The sweet smell of roasting marshmallows tugged her lips into a smile. Doing this with Reid made it even better than she’d imagined.

“It’s time. Let me hold this.” He took the skewer from her hands. “Grab the crackers and chocolate.”

In perfect sync, Lauren sandwiched the marshmallows as he pulled away the skewers. She handed him one of the gooey, graham cracker treats on a napkin. “Careful, it’s hot.” Chocolate dripped down her hand as she bit into hers. Laughing, she licked away the drops. “How is it?” The desire in his heavy-lidded gaze held her in place.

Reid set his treat aside. “Perfect.” Then he took hers from her hand and laid it on the coffee table. “Beautiful.” He leaned in and traced his tongue along the seam of her mouth. “And so fucking delicious.”

As he pressed her down on the rug, she welcomed the full invasion of a deep, hard kiss. Reid pulled open the blanket and exposed her to the heat. He swiped his finger into the melted center of the s’more on the coffee table.”

“What are you doing?”

A sinful smile tipped up his mouth. He circled the tips of her breasts with warm chocolate. “Enjoying my treat.”

Need heightened expectation. His tongue flicked her nipple. Heat spiraled to her core. He swirled more chocolate over the sensitive buds. Kneading, tasting, pulling softly on her nipples. His touches alone brought her to a heart-pounding climax.

He swept kisses down her belly. His shoulders widened her thighs, exposing her pulsing sex. Reid lazily ran his tongue between her folds. “Mine.”

Want coiling through her made her arch up. “Yes.”

Nina Crespo's books