Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

He worshiped her with more kisses and caresses, ignoring her pleas until his swollen, aching cock demanded release.

As he lay hard and throbbing inside of her, for the first time ever he allowed himself to feel. Passion. Anticipation. The desire to please her more than himself. He kissed her and became lost in the lush warmth of her mouth. The sweep of her tongue. Her caress moving down his spine. The stroke of her foot up his calf. The way she arched up to meet him, tested his resolve. If he stayed she’d gain the power to mold him, possibly break him into pieces. Even knowing all of that, as he rolled his hips, thrust inside of her, made her come, he still let himself feel. And pretend for one brief moment in the rush of climax they could actually belong to each other.

“Listen. Do you hear it?” Lauren curled up to Reid’s side.

The light swirl of her fingers on his chest left tingles. He loved her soft touch. Anymore and he could get hooked on it. He palmed her hip and brought her closer. “Hear what? The crickets?”

“Not exactly.” She grinned up at him. “No more rain. That’s a good thing. I wasn’t looking forward to hauling the giveaway items out in bad weather. It’s also good for Celine and Thane. They won’t have to drive back to Florida in it.”

Thane. Not Samson. So what was his issue with him? “When are they leaving?”

“In the morning, I think. You know, he almost saw you. For a second, I thought he was going to actually search the woods. He’s the protective type.”

Tension trickled through him. “Really? What does he do for a living?”

“He’s a musician.” She traced the tattoo on his shoulder. “That’s why they were in South Carolina. He was playing at a music festival.”

Music, was that what connected him to Thane? It didn’t settle like the truth in his gut. “How did Celine and Thane meet?”

“At a club in Melbourne, Florida called The Song. He’s one of their house performers. They were both getting drinks at the bar and “bam”. That was it. They’ve been inseparable for the past two months. I’m happy for her.” Hesitation hung in her tone.

“But you’re concerned about her being with him?”

“No, not him. It’s the timing. Three years ago, Celine fell in love fast and hard.”

“It didn’t work out?”

“No. Just the opposite. They got engaged. Dominic was a soldier. He didn’t make it back from his last deployment.”

An image flashed. Picking up her father’s weapon had felt as natural as breathing. At the time, he’d envisioned more substantial weapons. Various sizes, capabilities, and he knew them well. But what did it mean? “So what’s the connection to Thane? He’s a musician, not a soldier.”

“I know. It’s probably just me. My other friend, Ari, says I’m jaded against love because of my guy list.”

“Guy list? What’s that?”

“It’s not important.”

“Not important? You can’t say a thing like that and hold back. I’m lying right next to you. What’s on the list?”

“It’s not what you think.”

“Then enlighten me.”

She buried her face against his shoulder and groaned. “This is so embarrassing, but you’re not going to let it go, are you?”

He let silence answer for him.

“Fine.” She sighed. “I have a list of deal-breakers when it comes to me getting involved. Things like no mama’s boys, sports junkies, protect and serve types.”

“Like guys in the military.”

“Anyone who’s taken an oath to be a hero twenty-four-seven. It sounds selfish, but I know from experience with my father. He was gone all of the time and my parents split up because of it. He always chose career over family.”

The accusation hit a nerve. “It isn’t about duty over family. For a lot of people, the job is a calling. They wouldn’t feel complete if they did anything else.”

She looked up at him. “Like you? No. Don’t deny it. You’re comfortable with a gun. You handled it like it was an extension of yourself.”

What if he was in one of those careers? Why didn’t he want to go to the police for help? Was he AWOL? Revulsion rose. No, not a possibility. Honor. Trust. Loyalty. He believed in those things. He wouldn’t throw it away.

“I don’t know why I’m good with guns.” He stroked her arm. Did her list change things between them? “Does not knowing bother you?”

“No matter what your career is, I’ll be happy when you remember who you are.”

He tilted up her chin. The absolute certainty in her eyes reflected in her expression. What if it meant him and Thane were on opposite sides? That her friend Celine would end up heartbroken over Thane?

Lauren’s brow crinkled. “What?”

Who was Thane? He had to find out more, but now wasn’t the time. He kissed the tip of her nose. “We skipped dinner.”

“I know. I could use some junk food.”

“We can pick up some tomorrow.”

She pushed up on an elbow. “Why do we have to wait?”

Nina Crespo's books