Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“I’m fine,” I said. “I don’t think I ate today,” I added, pushing the wagon into a clerk because I wasn’t paying attention.

“Watch it!” the guy hissed, rubbing his side.

Actor, I didn’t even hit him that hard.

“Well if you weren’t taking up the whole aisle I wouldn’t have hit you!” I hissed.

“I’m stocking the shelves!” He argued.

“Hormonal and crazy,” Adrianna whispered beside me.

“Aww, A, it’s okay you’re supposed to be, you’re pregnant,” I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulders, diverting my eyes back to the clerk standing with his hands on his hips.

Road blocker.

“Move,” I ordered.

“Yeah, and what’s your excuse?” Adrianna asked beside me.

I turned to her in surprise and then let my eyes follow her finger as she pointed to the wagon. I leaned over and looked at the pregnancy test next to the tomatoes.

Oh, my God.

Getting drunk and stupid isn’t very fun when you’re by yourself. Blackie and Jack took off after the meeting with Bianci, leaving Pipe and Wolf in charge of our gun deal with Sun Wu. The guns were ready to go and tomorrow we were delivering them to “Jackie Chan.” I took my tequila upstairs to my room, deciding that I’d watch Rush Hour until I passed out.

I settled onto my bed and grabbed my laptop to free-stream the movie and remembered Sun Wu’s apartment. I bet that shit is more entertaining than watching a movie I’d seen a billion times. My fingers worked the keys on the keyboard, bringing up the surveillance footage of the apartment he had me wire.

The Red Dragons’ bikes were parked outside the building and they had a man patrolling every corner of the hallway. I sat up, enlarging another screen and spotted Wu in front of the apartment talking to one of the guards.

That’s a hell of a lot of man power to secure some dingy apartment. My first guess was that he had his mistress tucked inside trying to keep that pussy hidden from his old lady, but even that was extreme.

For some reason the mic wasn’t working and I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I fiddled around with the keys trying to retrieve the sound but it was no use. I wondered if someone cut the sound on purpose, but there was no way these guys were smart enough to find my bugs.

Wu opened the door, and I minimized one frame to locate the other frame that had him walking into the apartment.


I maximized it and holy shit! Naked Asians galore.


There was like ten of them.

Wearing nothing but a mask around their mouths.

Sun Wu and two of his Dragons walked to where the naked women were lined up, inspecting whatever it was they were doing.

I clicked on another screen and zoomed into the table that looked to be full of pure heroin. Someone else may have surveyed this shit and said it was drugs but my equipment was no joke top of the range, and my images were clear as day. That shit was in its purest form and these naked chicks were cutting and packaging it.

Sun Wu moved to the end of the table to inspect his product. Taking hold of the packaged heroin he lifted it for inspection. I leaned back as his eyes stared back at me. It was like he knew I was watching him.

Then the fucker smiled.

Right at me.

I was drunk.

There was no way he knew I was watching him. I was just paranoid and stupid.

Drunk, paranoid and stupid.

But this stupid drunk just uncovered The Red Dragons’ stash house.

Chapter Fourteen

“How long has it been?” I asked my sister-in-law as I sat on the toilet bowl while she stared at the watch on her wrist.

“We can check now,” she said, lifting her eyes to mine. “Do you want to look or do you want me to?”

I guess I should put my big girl panties on.

I held out my hand, ignoring the fact that it trembled and waited for her to place the pregnancy test in my palm.

I can’t believe this is what I’m doing right now. Talk about a detour. How’s that for a fucking detour?

I grabbed the stick hastily, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

Please don’t let it be…

I didn’t even want to say the word because it felt wrong to say.

I opened my eyes, felt Adrianna’s hand on my shoulder and opened my palm.

Two pink lines.

“It’s wrong,” I insisted, shoving the test back at Adrianna. “Give me another, two came in the pack, right? Fork it over,” I demanded, as she took the test from my hand and glanced down at it.

I couldn’t look at her, stepping around her I pulled the second test out of the bag and dropped my pants. Preparing to pee on another stick…in front of my sister-in-law, because I was fucking pregnant and two seconds away from crying.

“It’s very unlikely to get a false positive, Lauren,” she whispered. This is because I don’t drink enough water. Tomorrow I was drinking a gallon of water and taking every goddamn test I could find.

Because I was pregnant.

Because I didn’t want to be.

Because I was not ready for a baby.

Because the father was a dope.

Because my life was upside down.

Because I listened to dopey dad and took the detour.

Janine Infante Bosco's books