Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

I wanted Lauren, and I always got what I wanted.

And it was everything I knew it would be.

I don’t regret it even though I should.

See? Told you. Scumbag.

My only regret is that it wasn’t longer, that I didn’t take my time.

I should’ve fucked her with my mouth first, then I’d know how she tastes.

I know what she looks like when she comes and I’ll just have to hang on to that.

My pretty Kitten.

I miss her.

I miss talking to her. I miss teasing her and getting her flustered.

I know I’m not the guy for her. I’m never going to settle down. I don’t want an old lady. I just want to fuck around. I could do what I do with every other girl—I could fuck Lauren until I had my fill, but then what? Throw her to the side? Fuck another woman in front of her so she gets the point? Break her fucking heart?

It’s better this way.

A clean break.

Maybe one day I’ll be able to look at her and not want to bang her into next week.

Maybe then we could be friends.

“Who is after Bianci anyway?” Bones asked, as he opened and closed the crate I just finished assembling, testing it to make sure it was in working condition. He stamped “Heavy Automotive Parts” on top of the crate and set it aside to dry.

“Technically, no one, but what do I know about that mob shit. Now that the fuck with the fur coat is running the show I think “Old Man Soprano” is worried that he will clip his son-in-law,” I surmised.

“Complicated shit,” Bones said.

“Them Italians love to complicate shit,” I added.

He smirked.

“What?” I pressed, placing the drill down and reaching into my pocket for my joint.

“I wonder how complicated things would get if Bianci knew you were banging his sister,” Bones mused, as he took the joint and lit it.

“Banged,” I corrected. “As in one time,” I added.

“You’re an asshole,” he claimed. “You should’ve kept that piece around, real pretty to look at and feisty enough to make things fun,” he added, thoughtfully.

“Don’t think about it,” I warned.

“Fair game, brother,” he reminded me.

“You want my leftovers?” I asked angrily.

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Never bothered you before,” he said nonchalantly, passing me the joint. “How was she anyway? She worth the ride?”

“Fuck off,” I ground out, taking the joint from him. “She’s off the table.”

He shook his head.

“Don’t work like that, Riggs, and you know it,” he stated, kicking off the wall he was leaning against. “She’s not your property, anyone can give her a go,” he added.

“She’s not club pussy,” I seethed.

“Pussy is pussy, and if you’re done tapping that, there are plenty of men lining up for it,” he sneered.

“What’re you doing?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. “You trying to fuck with me?”

“How many bitches have you fucked since your patch party?”

“You keeping tabs on my dick, Bones?”

“Just pointing out what you’re too stupid to see,” he countered. “If Lauren lived closer, you’d be all over that shit,” he suggested.

“No I wouldn’t,” I argued. “I got what I wanted from her.”

“Then you shouldn’t mind if someone else, namely me, takes what I want from her,” he continued.

I bit the inside of my cheek, my hands balling into fists at my side as I clenched my jaw.

“I don’t give a fuck,” I growled. “Are we going to talk about swapping pussy all day or are we going to get these fucking crates done?”

Lucky for me, Lauren lived two hours away. Two hours away from me and my dickhead brother who was itching for a taste of what was mine.



After we were finished with the crates we rode back to the compound and met with Jack and Blackie. We were waiting on a call from Pops, to let us know when the guns would be ready to be packed up so we could make the delivery to the Red Dragons. There was tension between the president and vice-president and I surmised it was the stress of the deal—there was a lot riding on this. Wu was paying the Knights seven hundred thousand for this shipment and forking over another two for the next one. However, if any of us were caught by the cops with these weapons we were looking at life in prison.


That was no fucking joke.

Janine Infante Bosco's books