Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“I don’t go having unprotected sex all that often. Actually, ever. I never do that stuff. I know it’s probably an everyday occurrence for you, so what I’m asking you is; are you clean?”

How fucked up was I that I didn’t even remember not wearing a rubber? It happened so quick I wasn’t thinking of covering myself up, I was just driven by the need to make her mine that night.

Then another thought crossed my mind. While I was off ignoring her, afraid she’d be a clinger, she was worrying I had given her an STD.

I owned the title of scumbag. Look it up in the dictionary, I bet Merriam-Webster had my picture next to the word.

“I’m clean, Lauren. I always wear a rubber,” I said, as I stared at her, fighting the urge to touch her. “Always,” I emphasized.

“Um, am I interrupting?” Adrianna asked, raising an eyebrow as she stood next to the passenger door of Lauren’s car.


“No, we’re done,” Lauren declared, turning around and climbing inside the car, slamming the door closed.

I turned around and saw Adrianna still standing next to the car, her hand poised on the handle as she stared at me.


“If I find out you hurt Lauren, so help me God I’ll make my mother-in-law look like June Cleaver,” she threatened, pulling open the door.

“I’m sure you will,” I mumbled, stepping onto the sidewalk because I wouldn’t put it past Lauren not to run me over.

“There you are,” Anthony exclaimed, pointing his keyring toward his truck parked across the street and unlocking it.

Fuck my life.

“Come on, we’re taking a ride,” he declared.

Double fuck my life. Did he know? I watched Lauren’s car peel away from the curb.

Fuck, he definitely knew.

“I’ll take my bike,” I said.

“Nah, leave it here,” he said, crossing his arms against his chest.

“Some punk ass kids were just fucking around by my bike. I’m not leaving it here. Where are we going anyway?”

Please don’t say the beach. I don’t want to sleep with the fucking fishes.

“The Dog Pound,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “You’re sweating,” he pointed out.

I reached up and swiped my hand across my brow.

Fuck, I was sweating.

At least he wasn’t going to whack me.

Not yet anyway.

Chapter Thirteen

I fucked up.

No surprise there.

The only difference this time, was that I felt bad about it. I’ve walked away from a lot of people in my life and never once looked back. Hell, my own family might as well think I’m dead for all I know. Still, I don’t feel any kind of way about that; it doesn’t make me feel guilty, just indifferent. But the way Lauren looked at me that bothered me. It was one thing to be angry; I expected that much, but I didn’t expect to see the hurt in her eyes.

I didn’t want to hurt her. I should’ve realized she wouldn’t just be angry like every other girl I’ve discarded. She wasn’t like any other girl. She wasn’t the rule, she was the fucking exception, and I was the asshole who thought rules were meant to be broken—to hell with the consequences. I realized I didn’t just break a rule, I broke Lauren’s ego, something that was already hanging on by a thread.

“Give us a minute, Riggs,” Jack said, pulling me away from my thoughts. I forgot I was sitting around a table with Jack, Blackie and Bianci, waiting for Bianci to spill the reason we were there to begin with.

“Yeah?” I asked, looking confused.

“You okay kid?” he questioned.

Yeah, I’m fine, just grew a conscience.

“Kid’s probably got the shits,” Anthony surmised, suppressing a grin. “Just found out his favorite woman will be in town for a few weeks,” he said, reaching over and squeezing my shoulder.

Then there was that.

We were waiting on Jack when we got here, apparently our Prez has a piece of ass tucked away, thinks it’s okay to keep us all waiting on him while he gets his dick sucked. Anyway, I guess Bianci felt the need to pass time with me and told me that mommy dearest was moving back to Brooklyn. I was tempted to ask him if that meant Lauren would be too but he didn’t give me the chance, sharing with me he and Adrianna had two houseguests until Maria found another apartment.

So I had two crazy women with the last name Bianci who wanted me dead. Three if you add Adrianna.

“You got yourself a woman?” Blackie asked.

“Fuck no,” I protested, pointing my thumb toward Bianci. “This fucks’ crazy mother is coming home.”

Dread churned in my belly. I needed to get away from this psychotic family before they found out I fucked their princess and they tried to hang me by the balls.

“Think you can put someone else on babysitting duty? Me and “Carmela Soprano” don’t exactly see eye to eye.”

“The only eye she sees of yours is the black one she gave you,” Jack added, laughing as he spoke.

Go on and laugh. It’s fucking funny. I’m a clown here to amuse you. Oh, my God! I’m starting to sound like Joe Pesce. I needed out.


Janine Infante Bosco's books