Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

I annoyingly knocked on the door, ignoring the calls of her coming, because that wasn’t the way I wanted to hear her say the words. I had that shit planned out, and it definitely didn’t involve her answering a door. Fucking her against the door? Different story.

“Riggs?” She half-screeched, half-stammered, very cute. So were the knee socks and sweater she was wearing. She lifted her hand to her head, attempting to control the nest that seemed to sit on the top of it.

“What’re you doing here?” She questioned, pushing her glasses further onto the bridge of her nose.

I love those fucking glasses.

I held her keys up, dangling them like they were a steak and grinned at her.

“Good morning, Kitten,” I said as my eyes worked her body over before they settled on hers. “I dig the hair,” I teased.

She lifted her hand automatically to the bun on top of her head, causing me to chuckle as I stepped closer to her and wrapped one arm around her tiny waist.

So innocent, so goddamn innocent.

I bent my head, touching my mouth to her cheek.

“How did you get my car?” She asked, pushing me away so she could look at me.

“I stole it,” I replied honestly. Pipe was probably combing the lot and flipping his shit because Bianci would be picking up the car in an hour. Lucky for me, I won’t miss any of the festivities because I planted a camera in the lot before I left. I wasn’t stupid. That shit could be my ticket to winning America’s Funniest Videos.

Been trying to win the grand prize for years now.

“You stole my car?” She asked confused.

I shrugged my shoulders, running my hand over my knit skull cap before narrowing my eyes in wonder.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” I asked.

“Sorry! Of course,” she stuttered. “I’m sorry…it’s just I’ve barely spoken to you since I left and now you show up at my door claiming to have stolen my car. I need a minute to catch up,” she explained, moving aside so I could walk inside.

The talking thing was bullshit but I let it slide. Sure, I didn’t actually call her but I’ve been keeping it light and easy, sending her texts with funny memes and shit. She always LOL’s right on back so she can’t say she didn’t get them.

“Your brother had Pipe pick it up from the gym so he could work on it. Being the prince I am, thought I’d deliver it to you in person,” I explained, with a smile before walking into her kitchen. I felt another pair of eyes on me and glanced over my shoulder to see Mia.

Good, glad she’s home. I can finally give her a piece of my mind.

“Who’s Pipe?” Lauren questioned.

“One of the brothers. It’s owned by the Satan’s Knights but Pipe runs the joint, it’s his gig,” I explained, rummaging through her fridge.

Oh, we’d never work. I may not have a fridge in my apartment but if I did, it would be fully stocked with all the gourmet things I’ve grown accustomed to. Like, those little packs of chocolate pudding, whipped cream, chocolate milk, of course beer and cold cuts for fancy dinners and such.

I would not have cottage cheese in my fridge. What kind of bullshit was that?

“Are you two on some sort of starvation diet?” I asked, slamming the fridge closed and tipping my head toward Mia, finally acknowledging her presence.

“Hey Mia, where’s your towel?”

“Your towel?” Lauren asked, her curious eyes snapped toward her roommate.

“Last time your friend stopped in I was just getting out of the shower,” Mia explained, looking back at me.

“Lucky towel,” I said sarcastically.

“We have cereal,” Lauren offered.

I bit the inside of my cheek, crossing my arms as I considered her offer but she was probably pushing some Kashi whole grain crap on me. I was more a Captain Crunch kind of guy.

“Get dressed,” I said, finally.


“I drove two hours to bring you your car, Kitten, think the least you can do is accompany me to breakfast,” I said, leaving out the fact I wouldn’t mind a quickie in the bathroom either. I turned toward Mia. “You hungry towel girl?”

She shook her head.

“You two go ahead. I have to run out for boxes,” she insisted, grabbing her own keys from the counter before smiling back at Lauren.

“You know, I don’t know if I should thank you or tell you it was a really shitty thing you did, leaving your friend in a bar by herself,” I called out to her.

“Riggs!” Lauren exclaimed, her fishbowl eyes narrowing at me, and I’m sure if I was in arms reach she would’ve smacked me.

“What? It’s true. Doesn’t make her a bad person, just makes her a selfish one,” I turned to Mia. “No hard feelings, towel girl, I think you’re great, a real catch, but that was foul,” I said, raising an eyebrow, daring her to disagree.

“Mia and I discussed it, Riggs, and it’s none of your business,” Lauren scorned.

Janine Infante Bosco's books