Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“We didn’t…I mean of course we didn’t, right?” I asked, swallowing hard and praying for the right answer. If we had sex, and I didn’t remember I’d hate myself.

I probably should’ve been thinking something nobler, something purer, like please God forgive me for having sex before marriage or something just as ridiculous. But me? I was kicking myself in the ass because if we had sex, and I forgot what his cock felt like inside of me, I’d never forgive myself.

His eyes opened halfway and locked with mine.

“What’s the matter, Kitten? Can’t remember?” He said, huskily.

I bit my lip, shaking my head silently.

“Want me to show you?” He asked as his fingers slid under the elastic of my panties.

Yes, please. Pay attention, Lauren. Don’t forget this time.

“I remember kissing,” I croaked.

His lips quirked and my heart stopped. Was it possible to come from a man smiling? I snapped my legs shut, trapping his hand between them, as his fingertips dragged along the seam of my pussy.

“You’re soaking wet, Kitten,” he growled against my hair, slowly sliding one thick finger between my lips.

“We kissed,” he affirmed, pressing his mouth against my neck. “You tasted like cinnamon.”

“I drank Fireball,” I stammered, lifting my hips and moving against his hand.

“Mmm,” he murmured against my neck, before his teeth grazed the spot just below my ear and he added another finger inside me. His fingers took slow, tantalizing strokes, sliding out and plunging back in as his thumb massaged my clit.

“You’re very good at that,” I commented breathlessly. “So we kissed and then this happened?”

“No,” he said, picking up the pace with his fingers.

I was going to come in two seconds and I couldn’t hold out even if I wanted to. I needed this. I needed him.

His thumb circled my clit over and over again, building up my release as his fingers curled inside of me. I arched my back about to fall over the edge when his thumb stilled and his fingers left me.

“Then you threw up all over me,” he said, pulling his hand out of my panties.

“I’m sorry…what?” Did he just stop? I breathlessly turned to him, his smug smile firmly in place as he stretched his long body and propped his hands behind his head.

“It wasn’t pretty,” he added. “You made a mess of me and yourself. I threw your clothes in the wash but might want to consider throwing them out,” he continued.

“So, we didn’t have sex?” I asked, somewhat disappointed and somewhat relieved.

“No, Kitten but if you want to now, I’m game,” he offered, treating me to an eyebrow wiggle.

I stared at him, mouth agape, as he stretched underneath the sheet, pitching a tent with his erection.

“What do you say?”

I snapped out of my trance, glancing over at the clock and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

“Oh, my God, is that the right time?” I screeched, throwing back the sheet and jumping to my feet. Whoa, my equilibrium and my head apparently were not on the same page just yet. My head was spinning, causing me to sway on my feet.

“Please don’t throw up again,” he pleaded. “I ran out of air freshener,” he said, sitting up.

That explained the funny smell in his room.

“Wait! Where did you say my clothes were?”

“In the washing machine,” he replied, climbing out of bed, not one bit shy about his nudity. He turned around and looked up at me as I counted his abs.

“You have an eight pack,” I stated, lifting my eyes to his.

“Thanks babe, I think you’re pretty hot yourself,” he winked, grabbing his jeans off the floor. “You sure you don’t want to fool around?”

“I have to go,” I repeated weakly, swallowing in an attempt to dampen my dry mouth.

“Why the hurry?” He questioned, pulling up his pants. No underwear. Hmm.

“Do you know where my phone is?” I said, trying to distract myself from him.

“On the nightstand,” he supplied, walking to his dresser and pulling out a fresh t-shirt.

I had ten missed calls and five text messages from Mia. Three missed calls from my brother and one text from Adrianna. At least I know that if I ever should wind up abducted by crazy people, I had my own team of crazy looking for me.

I scrolled through the texts and quickly replied to Mia first, labeling her the worst friend ever then telling her I’d meet her at my brother’s house in twenty minutes. We missed the early bus but if I hauled ass, we could still make the afternoon one.

“Shit,” he said, staring at his own phone.

“What is it?”

“Your brother is looking for you, asked if I could meet him at the gym to give him a hand,” he explained. Then he laughed.

I have no idea why he laughed.

I didn’t really see anything chuckle worthy.

“Should we put the poor bastard out of his misery and tell him you’re safe and sound?”

Janine Infante Bosco's books