Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“It’s been real, Kitten,” I said, with a smile. “Keep in touch?”

“See, that’s so much better!” She replied. “Not final like goodbye. Keep in touch leaves a person with hope that there will be an opportunity for more,” she added.

“More?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, more,” she said incredulously. “You owe me an orgasm,” she accused. “I plan on collecting.”

She winked at me and I was fucked. Fucked, because I temporarily fell in love with her, with those words, and the way she said them.


I didn’t do love.

“I always pay my debts,” I replied huskily, crooking my finger, beckoning her closer.

She licked her lips, biting down on her lip before taking the steps to close the distance between us. I reached out and grabbed the hem of the t-shirt, my shirt, and pulled her against me, pressing my lips to the corner of her mouth.

“Let me know when you’re ready to collect, Kitten,” I murmured against her mouth, letting go of her shirt and inching back. “Go on, before we do something stupid.”

I didn’t tell her that by stupid, I meant asking her to stay, and her actually doing so.

She nodded, turned on her heel and walked away from me.

Smart move, Kitten.

I watched her walk away and contemplated what had just happened for a moment. I revved my engine and made a U-Turn, driving as far away from Lauren Bianci as I could.

But I wasn’t as smart as her because she never turned around and looked back. I know this because I kept looking in the side-view mirror until I couldn’t see her anymore.

Instead of going to the clubhouse I took a detour, jumping on the Belt Parkway and getting off at Fort Hamilton. I had an apartment with a killer view of the Verrazano Bridge but that’s where it ended. An apartment with a nice view. No furniture, no television—hell, I didn’t even have a refrigerator.

I should probably get one of those. I didn’t even know what I was doing there, but I didn’t want to go back to the clubhouse and hear Bones break my balls about Lauren. The truth was, I didn’t trust myself around him, and if he said anything stupid I might just lay him out.

I moved to the window, crawling out of it and took a seat on the fire escape. I pulled half of a joint out of my pocket and lit it up, taking that first long pull as I stared out toward the bridge.

My phone rang as I blew puffs of smoke out of my mouth. Goddamn it, can’t a man get high in peace? Jesus.

I glanced down at the screen and saw it was the Bulldog.

The bastard probably wanted to know why I wasn’t holding the gangsters hand as he bid his little sister farewell. I rolled my eyes and answered the call.

“Talk to me,” I answered.

“Yeah? That’s how you answer the phone these days?” Jack questioned.

“Changing things up a bit,” I said, taking another toke.

“Get your ass to the compound. You got a job kid, one that doesn’t involve looking after anyone,” he stated.

“Yeah? So what’s it involve?” I asked, as I started to cough.

“Lo Mein,” he quipped.

I guess “Jackie Chan” called and wanted to fork up the dough after all. This was a good thing because I needed a distraction, something to focus on. I needed to get my fucking patch too.

“Thank fucking God, because I’m starving,” I ground out. “See you in twenty,” I said, before disconnecting the call and clipping the joint.

Time to go do what the fuck I was made to do. No more sitting around dwelling on some girl. That shit was for pussy’s not a fucking Knight.

Chapter Eight

I never waste an opportunity to bust Bianci’s balls. I don’t know what it is about the guy but it’s so easy to piss him off—you just need to know which buttons to push. I happened to be an expert and thoroughly enjoyed fucking with the retired gangbanger. That was my excuse, and I was sticking with it.

Tormenting Bianci.

It was the reason I followed Pipe when he came to pick up Lauren’s car from Xonerated. It was also the reason I offered to help with the tires, and it was most definitely the reason I robbed the keys once it was fixed and towed it back to her.

Not because I wanted to see her again.

Not because I was hoping she was ready to collect and beg me to fuck her.

And most certainly not because I’ve been jerking off to the memory of fucking her with my fingers.

I crossed the line when I got my dick sucked by one of the whores hanging around the Dog Pound. I actually asked her to put on some black-rimmed glasses, and if she was opposed to dying her blonde hair, black.

Not cool.

So fucking not cool.

I climbed out of the truck, lowering her car off the tow and parked before making my way toward her apartment.

Janine Infante Bosco's books