Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Instead of giving me an eyeful that will leave me hot and bothered for the rest of the night.

Mason’s eyes seemed to say, ‘I know you liked it,’ and the corner of his lips curled up, letting me know that he’d done it on purpose. He shrugged, “You didn’t have to stare either. Anyone ever tell you it’s not polite?”

My mouth gaped open and I was speechless. The asshole is taunting me, I thought, daring me to do something about it.

Whatever Mason’s game, I wasn’t about to engage him, even if I was burning up with feverish desire. What if I tried to engage him and he turned me down, humiliating me like he so loved to do years ago. Nope, never. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, so I ignored him, returning to scrubbing his blood-stained clothes.

“Did we make the news yet?” Mason asked, breaking me out of my reverie.

“Nope,” I replied, “Nothing.”

“Damn.” He went over to the couch and flopped down, grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels. After a moment, he scratched at the fresh stubble on his jaw thoughtfully. “That kind of worries me. We should’ve been on by now.”

Now was the time to seize opportunity. I’d been dying all day to see how many hits my blog had. “Then let’s just log on my laptop for a second, just to see what’s going on.”

Mason shook his head firmly. “Not yet. I’m not going to play that card yet — let’s give it a little while longer. Maybe twenty-four hours. Anonymous is going to be monitoring it and it’s not worth the risk.”

I nodded and sighed in frustration. Something was wrong, I could feel it.

I finished scrubbing the last few places, and while there were still stains on his sweater, it was at least clean.

“I’m going to take these outside and hang them up,” I told him.

Mason looked up, immediately alert. “Need me to go with you?”

I made a face. “Are you serious? It’s like two feet away. I’ll be fine,” I said firmly, moving toward the door. “But I’ll be sure to call out if I see the boogeyman.”

Mason didn’t crack a smile at my joke. “I’ll be watching.”

Outside, it was chilly, but other than that, it was a beautiful night with a clear sky and a full moon whose light filtered down in between the trees, illuminating the entire area with an ethereal glow.

I made my way around to the side of the cabin where I had a clothesline. While I hung up his clothes, a sudden idea struck me. Why let Mason keep tormenting me? Why not turn the tables on him and use my feminine charms and see how he liked it? Then I’ll humiliate him like he’s done me so many times before.

I’ll show him two can play that game.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, as seduction wasn’t quite my forte, but I was sure I could come up with something.

“See,” I said when I walked back inside the cabin a minute later, “I’m perfectly fine. No boogeyman out there or anyone hiding in the bushes.”

Mason was watching me like a hawk. “Where are you going?”

“To my room to change,” I said flippantly. “It’s hot as hell in here.”

Mainly because of you.

Not giving him a chance to reply, I went to my bedroom and emerged two minutes later dressed in some tiny little pink shorts that rode my ass cheeks and a white cutoff top that showed off my cleavage.

“Whew,” I said fanning myself. “That’s much better.”

Mason tried to act calm, cool, and collected, but I saw his eyes look like they were about to pop out of his head.

“Why are you wearing that?” Mason demanded in an almost angry tone. He looked mighty uncomfortable, but his eyes followed my every move. Take that!

“Because it’s hot, that’s why.”

“It’s not that hot,” Mason objected. “It’s like fifty-five outside.”

“Really? Feels like eighty.” I suddenly looked over at the TV. “Damn, where did all that dust came from?” I grabbed my duster from nearby and walked in front of the TV. I bent over ever-so-slowly, pointing my ass directly at his face. I imagined he could see the outline of my swollen * too, pressing against the flimsy material of my shorts.

After I was done with my fake dusting, I straightened and placed the duster back where it was and turned to face him.

He was gawking at me, his lips parted as if in awe, and I smiled seductively at him. He snapped his lips shut and quickly averted his eyes, but he looked like a man in pain.

Payback was a bitch.

Swaying my hips with each step, I walked over to the couch and sank down beside him. I crossed my legs, but made sure my knee was touching his and then moved in, resting my elbow on his shoulder.

“Are you okay?” I asked in a soft, feathery voice close to his ear. I couldn’t believe how well I was doing at acting sexy. I almost felt like a pro.

“Yeah,” he replied. “Why wouldn’t I be?” His voice sounded hoarse, strained, and I knew he was just trying to act like I wasn’t having an effect on him.

Glancing down, I got further confirmation — a huge bulge in his jeans. Mason was hard for me.

Lauren Landish's books