Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

And I almost did it. I almost reached out and pulled her into my arms.

“Mason?” Carly was staring at me strangely. I looked down. My hand was half outstretched.

My conscience was telling me it wasn’t the time — that patience is a virtue. The other part of me, the side that would almost always prevail, told me to take her and fuck that sweet innocence out of her. But not this time. Not yet.

I jerked my hand back. “Huh?”

Carly gulped. I could tell it was a struggle for her to keep her eyes on my face. “You okay?”

“Where’d you say the towels were again?”

“In the bathroom and to the cabinet to your right.”

“Thanks,” I croaked. My dick felt like it was going to burst out of my jeans, but I resisted, and I’d never let Carly know the power she had over me.

Carly nodded her head, carefully keeping her eyes trained on my face, her cheeks still flaming. “Mmmhmm.”

* * *

A frosty blast of water hit me, plastering my hair into my eyes. I let the cold water splash against my chest and pour down my stomach. I turned sideways for a moment, and then turned my back to the water, letting it roll down my back and off of my chiseled ass.

I was trying to let the water hit my body from every angle, hoping to cool the fires of lust that burned inside of me.

I thought a cold shower was supposed to kill an erection, I thought. Maybe I just need to give it time . . .

I continued to let the cool water do its thing, but nope. Still hard as a fucking rock. The fire inside me required one thing and one thing only.

Images of Carly’s smooth creamy legs flashed in front of my eyes, making my cock throb.

“Fuck,” I muttered. “This isn’t going to work.”

I slid a hand down my slippery wet abs, and grabbed a hold of my throbbing cock. Gripping my shaft tightly, I slowly starting pumping to images of Carly bent over in front of me, waiting to be pummeled.

“Carly,” I moaned, thinking about spreading her tight hole.

I thrust my hips forward with each stroke, sounds of Carly moaning in my mind drawing me ever so close.

Faster and faster I went, until a blazing fire was lit inside me. My breathing quickened and I could feel my cock grow impossibly hard within my grasp, right when I heard the sound of Carly’s voice from outside the bathroom.


“Focus,” I muttered, trying desperately to push the image of Mason’s giant bulge out of my mind but failing.

I always heard that Mason was packing, and he definitely wasn’t afraid to say it, but I hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing it myself. But it was plainly obvious that he was carrying around a monster!

What was going on in that head of his? It wasn’t like I’d done anything special to turn him on. And hell, after the wild events of the day, I looked a hot mess.

But what if he did get hard because of me? I wondered. And what if he’s in the shower, relieving himself while thinking about me?

Goosebumps arose on my skin at the titillating thoughts and my pulse quickened. A dizzying array of images flashed through my mind, causing moistness to gather between my thighs and my nipples to harden beneath my bra.

I clenched my hands into fists and fought to drive the thoughts away. Now wasn’t the time — I needed to focus on something else.

I glanced at my laptop. Mason told me not to even touch it, but what harm would it do if I logged on for just a second?

Setting down the remote, I jumped up from the couch and walked over to my laptop. I lifted the screen and was just about to log in when I froze, suddenly remembering the cold blade that had been pressed against my side hours earlier.

Remember what happened last time when I didn’t believe him? I almost ended up dead.

I stepped away and walked to the bathroom. I needed something to do to stop my mind from racing. Besides, there was nothing that could kill my libido faster than washing away dried blood.

At the bathroom door, I looked around. I didn’t see Mason’s hoodie and shirt anywhere. I pressed my ear to the door and inside I could hear the sound of running water — Mason was still cleaning himself.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing pulse. “Mason,” I called out tentatively.

His voice was muffled and was hard to understand but I could just make out his response. “Yeah?”

“Where are your clothes? I thought I told you to leave them outside the bathroom so I could wash them for you.”

“Shit. I forgot. They’re in here with me.”

“Okay. I’ll just get them when you get out.” I turned away to go back in the living room.

“Just step in and get them. They’re on the floor.”

I hesitated. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. It’s not like you will see anything and I’m almost done. And even if you do, I’m sure you’ll like it.”

I have no doubt.

I placed my fingers on the door, opening it and stepping inside.

Just don’t look, I told myself.

I expected a blast of steam to hit me, but there was nothing. There wasn’t an ounce of steam in the room.

Lauren Landish's books