Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

“Watch where you’re going asshole!” He yelled out of his window.

“What was that?” Brian asked, sounding concerned.

I gave Mason my most venomous glare. “Uh, nothing. I just accidentally knocked my latte into my lap and ruined my skirt.”

“Oh, you scared me for a second. Are you on a highway?”

I paused, glancing at Mason who was just now getting over his giggles. I didn’t want to lie. Brian could probably tell I was in the car anyway, you usually can. “Heading to a friend’s place, actually.”

“All right. Where are you staying at these days? I’d love to come visit.”

Mason, who now seemed almost recovered from his fit, shook his head violently. Apparently, he heard what his father asked.

“You know what? Let me call you back later. I’ve got to stop by a gas station and change my clothes. I don’t want to show up at my friends smelling like a mocha latte. Love ya!”

Brian began to protest. “Carly wait. I really need to speak with you. It’s important—”

I tapped the hang-up button and then powered my phone off, giving Mason my most venomous scowl. “Keep your eyes on the road! You almost ran us smack into that truck.”

Mason was still chuckling. “I’m sorry, Carly. You’re just such a terrible liar and I couldn’t help it.”

Mason’s expression suddenly became serious. “He knows you’re with me.”

I stared. “You think so?”

Mason pulled us off the main road and onto a back road that would take us straight to the cabin. “Trust me — he either knows you’re with me, or suspects that you’re with me. Either way, it’s not good, because if he knows, everyone knows. It’s only natural that I try to make contact with the person I care about the most.” A strange look came over his face after those words left his mouth, as if he was surprised that he said it.

I cleared my throat uncomfortably. “Still, what does it matter even if he does? He has no clue where we are.”

“And do you really think you can trust this landlord of yours?” Mason asked skeptically.

I nodded. “I do. He’s been a huge help to me.”

“We’ll see about that after they plaster your name on the news along with mine.”

“All we have to do now is lay low and wait. It’s only a matter of time before the video spreads like wildfire.”

“If Anonymous or Dad doesn’t have me killed first,” Mason muttered darkly.

I turned on him with a disbelieving stare. “What the hell are you talking about? Brian may still be angry at you, but why would you think he’d want you dead?”

Mason snorted. “I don’t think. I know.”

We came up on the dirt road that served as a driveway to the cabin and the neat little structure came into view. I don’t think I’d ever been so happy to see it, but I suppose almost being killed will do that to you.

I continued to stare at Mason. I was starting to think being in the shadows so long caused him to be a paranoid schizophrenic.

I shook my head. “You’re crazy.”

“You don’t know him like I do.”

“I think I lived under his roof for long enough that I know that he wouldn’t do something like that.”

Mason set his jaw, stubborn to the bone. “You might be right, but I don’t doubt that he’d love to see me rot in a jail cell.”

Mason drove my Ford up the driveway and rolled to a stop in front of the cabin, shutting the engine off.

I was glad to get out and stretch and go inside. After the harrowing events of the day, I was ready to relax and watch the fruits of our labor unfold.

Mason opened his door, jumped out, and slammed it, walking off to the cabin and leaving me to wonder what the hell he was angry about. Everything didn’t go as planned, but we accomplished what we set out to do.

Chapter 12


“Why isn’t it on the news yet?” Carly demanded, pacing back in forth in front of me in her small living room. “Shouldn’t it be on by now?”

I hardly heard her, my eyes fixed her body. She was even hotter than normal when she got antsy. When she started pacing, my eyes were glued to her hips, watching her every move.

She moved with a fluid, sensual grace that took my breath away. The bad thing was that I don’t even think she noticed what a turn on her strut was.

“Mason,” Carly hissed, stopping to plant her hands on her hips.

I tore my eyes from her body and guiltily looked away. “What?”

She scowled. “Are you listening to me?”

I brought my gaze on her face, studying her beauty. Her petulant scowl, her sensual, yet pouty lips. She was almost too beautiful for words.

Lauren Landish's books