Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Damn, his face looks like road kill.

“Fuck,” Mason muttered, seeming to come aware of his surroundings for the first time since he began pummeling the dude. “Let’s go.”

He jumped to his feet, grabbed my hand and began guiding me toward the exit.

“Where do you think you’re going?” The lady shouted at us. “Stop them!”

“You can’t leave until the campus police gets here,” A guy with a couple bystanders said, crossing his arms and planting his feet.

“Get the fuck out of my way, man,” Mason growled. He looked like he was ready to tear apart whoever or whatever the fuck stood in his way. “This has nothing to do with you.” He nodded at where Aubrey was moaning and groaning. “That guy over there threatened my girlfriend’s life. He deserved it.”

Though we were in a dire situation, warmth flowed through me. Mason had referred to me as his girlfriend. It felt good, even if it was fake.

The student looked unsure, glancing over at Aubrey, who was trying to rise unsteadily to his feet, and then at me.

“Is that true?” He asked me.

I nodded and sniffed, playing the victim. “The guy’s crazy. He had a knife — it should be lying around here somewhere. He threatened to gut me like a fish if I didn’t go with him quietly.” I let out a half sob and shook my head. “If it weren’t for my boyfriend showing up, who knows what would’ve happened.”

He stared at me for a moment, as if assessing my credibility, and then turned to mutter something to his friends. After a few glances and furtive whispers, they stepped out of our way.

Mason nodded as I sighed with relief and grabbed me by the arm and we ran for the exit.

As we reached the exit, I spared one last glance behind me. Aubrey had managed to climb unsteadily to his feet and was staring at us with hate through his bloody mask.

“You’re fucking dead, Razor!” He yelled as we fled through the door. “You hear me? Fucking dead!”


“I got him on camera!” Andre announced triumphantly.

My heart pounded like a battering ram, and I jumped up from the couch, knocked my laptop onto the floor and nearly broke my neck to reach Andre. “Where?”

“Here.” He pointed at his screen. “I hacked into a CCTV feed on James campus. He has a hoodie on and is trying to hide his face, but it’s him.”

I stared at the footage. In it, Razor was walking with his head down, holding some girl’s hand. “Who is that?” I demanded. I must say that it enraged me to see him with another girl, a pretty one at that. And he looked protective of her in a way that he never looked with me.

Andre shook his head. “I don’t know. But obviously it’s someone he knows.” Andre scratched at his chin thoughtfully.

I seethed with jealousy at the image. Who was this chick that Razor would trust his freedom with and why her of all people?

A beep came from inside Andre’s pocket.

“Someone’s calling me, someone from Anonymous I think.”

“Well answer it!” I snapped.

“Chill, Maddy. Chill.” Andre reached into his pocket and took his cell out.


You what?

Damn, okay.”

Andre’s forehead crinkled into a frown.

“Who is it?” I hissed. It annoyed me to listen to a one-sided conversation.

“It’s Aubrey,” Andre whispered.

“Razor broke your nose?


Who is the girl he’s with?

I see.

Do you know where he’s headed?

Ok. We’ll keep in touch.”

I placed my hands on my hips and scowled. “What was that all about?”

Aubrey said he caught Razor on James campus and they got into a fight. Razor broke his nose and ran off with that chick before he could stop them.

“Did he say who that girl was, at least?”

Andre shook his head. “He said he wasn’t sure. One thing he was certain of was that Razor seemed to care about her.”

Red blurred my vision. He loved another. I couldn’t take it. He had to die. If I couldn’t have him, no one would.

“I want you to find out who she is and everything about her,” I growled. “Now.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” Andre asked. “And why does it matter anyway? We’re after Razor, not her.”

I gritted my teeth to keep from erupting. “Because she’s helping him, that’s why. And since he obviously cares about her, she might be the key to catching him.”

“Hmm you might be right,” Andre said thoughtfully.

I scowled. “Ya think?”

Fucking moron.

Andre smartly ignored my sarcasm and turned to his computer. “I’ll run her image through the DMV database to see what her—”

I placed a hand on his shoulder, interrupting him. I suddenly had an idea, a plan that would finally bring Razor to me.



I grinned, giddy with excitement. If my plan worked, Razor would be all mine. “Get Brian Keller on the line. Tell him I have information concerning his son.”

Chapter 10


Lauren Landish's books