Protected by a Mobster: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia #1)

“I know. I’m ready, Ruslan. For Malcolm, all of this is worth it.”

The wicked grin he offered me was intoxicating. He laced our hands together, as I had moments ago, and hand-in-hand we walked into his office, all eyes darting our way, watching our every move. I feel the death glare of Dane’s obsidian eyes land on me before I see him. A sickening feeling tumbles in my gut as Ruslan leads me across the room towards his desk.

As he takes a seat in his leather chair, I sense the authority he invokes and pray for a small sliver of it for myself. Inhaling through my nose, I lift my head, force my shoulders back and stand at Ruslan’s side as if I belonged there – as if I had been born to be there. I met Dane’s gaze and smiled as I placed my small hand on Ruslan’s shoulder, rubbing it lovingly. I didn’t miss Dane’s snarl or the way his body tensed at the sign of affection I offered his rival in the crowded room.

“You whore!” he yelled, jumping up from his seat. Murder filled his eyes and I let out a laugh.

Lifting my chin, I removed my hand from Ruslan’s shoulder, gave him a smile, and for once in my life, I let the anger and rage free. Maksim and Bastian held Dane by the arms as I waltzed across the room. In a room full of powerful and deadly men, I let myself absorb their strength as I stopped in front of my former fiancé.

“You’re nothing but a *. I’d rather be his whore than your wife.” Raising my hand, I slapped him across the face with all the strength I had. His head snapped to the side, an angry red handprint blooming upon his skin. “I will watch the life slip from your body, of that I can promise you.” With those final words, I spit in his face and returned to Ruslan’s side.

Laughter filled the room. Damn that felt good. Dane is still frozen in place, teeth bared like an animal. I had thought the men were laughing at me, but they weren’t. They were laughing at him. The pleasure that filled me made me feel powerful. For the first time, I felt like a mafia princess, a woman who not only deserved respect but would take it.

“Markow will have your head for tainting his daughter,” Dane snarled.

“I don’t doubt that he would… but I haven’t tainted the princess,” Ruslan stated firmly. “She came to me. Ask her if you don’t believe me.”

“Is it true, Liliya? Have you turned your back on your family? On me?”

I stood silent for a few beats before responding. Did I actually owe this asshat a response? Would he believe what I said? Who cares? With a glance at Ruslan and the men around the room, all wearing fancy suits and stony expressions, I willed myself to respond. “He hasn’t touched me. Yet. I will not return to you, Dane, or my father. What you did was unforgivable. I belong here now.”

“You heard the lady. It’s that simple. She’s not been tainted or hurt. I offer her safety and shelter. As you can see, the other families are present to witness her willingness to be here.” Ruslan quieted for a moment, looked at me, then turned to face Dane once again. “Know this, Dane. The families are also aware of what you and Markow have planned. You mentioned war is coming, and I’ll tell you now that you are on the wrong side. You will fall just as painfully as Markow when the dust settles.”

“We’ll see about that. Liliya is promised to me. The contract is signed. It’s binding, Ruslan.”

“You think a contract like that will carry any weight amongst the men in this room? I don’t think so. We know what you two are up to and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we are not happy. And marriage is the least of your worries. Watch your fucking back. Run home to your master and let him know that too.”

I watch in stunned silence as Dane sneers at Ruslan, but is careful not to allow that gaze to fall on the other men in the room. He looks me up and down in complete disgust and turns on his heel, marching like a sad child out of the office. The front door slams closed, rattling the windows in his wake. My breath hitches as Ruslan’s hand touches mine.

Conversations pick up around the room in thick Russian accents and I wish I could understand what is being said. I’m at a loss here and it sucks. I’m a Russian mafia princess staying with a Russian mafia boss – a fucking hot one at that – and I can’t understand a damn word they say.

“What’s wrong, Liliya?”

“Nothing. Well… um… I was just thinking about how sad it is that I don’t speak Russian.”

“That can be remedied.”

Jacee Macguire's books