Protected by a Mobster: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia #1)

“Yes, sir.”

I ended the call and tossed my phone onto the couch, my eyes never leaving Liliya as she pulled back her shoulders and sauntered to the bar, pushing her way through the throngs of sweaty bodies. She was a feisty little thing. She snapped her fingers and I watched in awe as the bartender damn near broke his neck trying to get to her. She leaned over the counter, saying who knows what, and the bartender’s eyes went as wide as fifty-cent pieces. Oh yeah, this girl was up to no damn good. The bartender glanced up at the windows with a stunned look on his face, grabbing the phone at the bar. Seconds later, my office phone rang.


“There’s a chick down here that wishes to speak with you.”

“I’ll send someone down for her.”

“Yes, sir.”

With a smirk, I placed the phone on the cradle and looked at my two most trusted men. There wasn’t a reason to tell them who she was just yet. Soon enough, they would know anyway, so why should I spoil the surprise.

“Both of you head down to the bar and assist the young lady in finding her way to me.”

“Yes, boss,” the men echoed in unison as they turned and headed for the door.

“She’s not to be manhandled. Understood?” I growled. They turned and gave me a look of shock, then nodded, even though they didn’t have the damndest clue who she was.

I returned my gaze to the window, eyes trained on my girl. The smile that worked over my lips felt foreign. Liliya glared daggers at the glass before me, unable to see just who stood behind it. Would she be surprised to see me or did she already know who I was? In a few short minutes, I’d know the answer to those questions, and many more. Was I ready for them? Fuck if I knew, but it was happening no matter what. Her head snapped to the stairs, lips quirking up in the cutest damn snarl I’d ever seen, no doubt watching Maksim and Bastian as they descended the staircase and headed directly for her. My night was about to get very damn interesting.

I refilled my glass of Vodka as the guys led Liliya up the stairs, and returned to my position at the window. I could hear her bitching at the guys all the way down the hallway. She definitely wasn’t happy. By the time my office door opened, my pulse was erratic, my chest heaving. Liliya’s voice washed over me like honey, her sweet scent filling the room.

“Get your damn hands off of me. Do you have any idea who I am?” she wailed, slapping at their meaty hands as they urged her forward.

“That’s enough!” I said in as stern voice as I turned to face her. “You will show respect or there will be consequences.”

“You! Fucking hell!” she squeaked, her hand flying to her mouth in utter shock, her gaze dropping to the floor almost instantly. My cock stirred at the submissive display.

“What is it you want, Miss Markow? You do realize that you delivered yourself to your father’s rival, do you not?” I asked, stalking across the room, closing the distance between us and stopping a foot in front of her. Her breath hitched at my closeness. The throbbing pulse in her neck giving away her… nervousness? Excitement?

“Y… yes, I’m well aware,” she stammered, clutching her hands before her.

I glanced down, taking in her luscious little body before me. She was so nervous. Good. That would make this easier.

“Why are you here? I would recommend you tell the truth. I do not appreciate being lied to.” Reaching out my hand, I gripped her chin, jerking her face upward. I wanted her to look at me, to see how serious I was. Her lips trembled at my rough touch but the lust and hunger reflected in her eyes was stunning. I hadn’t expected that. For a moment, it threw me off my game, made the visions of spanking her hot little ass pop into my head again. I pushed them away. Now was scarcely the time for that.

Liliya licked her lips and pulled her shoulders back, her full breasts arching forward. Fuck! In a heartbeat, she grabbed me by the wrist and wrenched my hand from her face, thrusting it away with a snarl. I laughed heartily. This woman provoked me in ways no other would dare and I loved the hell out of it. I dropped my gaze for a heartbeat, devouring her with my eyes. “Answer me!” I growled.

“I… need your help,” she whispered.

My help? She has to be joking. But now my curiosity was piqued. “You do, do you? And why would I help you? Run home to daddy little girl before you cross a line you’ll regret.”

With tears in her eyes, she fell to her knees, shoulders slumped as she grasped a hold of my slacks. What the hell? Maksim eased forward, as if to help her up, but I halted his movements with a wave of my hand. He arched a brow in concern and followed my command. I’m sure they were as eager to hear the answer as I was. The words that left her mouth in the next few seconds, barely above a whisper, had my blood running ice cold in my veins.

Wiping her eyes, she looked up at me. “I want you to kill my father!” Then, seconds later, she whispered her final plea. “Please!”

Jacee Macguire's books