“Today I wanted you to play my secretary. I dreamed of fucking you on my desk.” I put my hand out in front of me. “Right here,” I say as I pat the desk and maintain eye contact with her. “It’s a fantasy I’ve had before, but I’ve never fulfilled.”

She scoffs at me. “I don’t believe that for one second.” Her defenses go up and her eyes light with a passion to prove me wrong. It pisses me off. I’m not a liar, and I’ve never given her any reason to think I would lie.

Before this day is over, I want her on her knees, begging me to forgive her and choking on my cock.

“I’ve never and I never will lie to you,” I say with a lowered voice.

She stays mute, refusing to believe me but not offering me a rebuttal.

“I thought you enjoyed me fucking you.” Her small hands ball into fists. “It certainly seemed that way when you were screaming my name.”

“Fuck you.” She practically hisses.

“Yes, please do,” I say back to her with a small smile.

It’s quiet for a moment, the two of us at odds. Pointless really, we both want each other. She just needs to let go and give in. I can give her pleasure while she fulfills my needs.

“This isn’t a game to me,” she finally says. She’s not angry though, which is what I expected. She sounds sincere, and genuinely upset. “This is my life.”

I grind my teeth, hating that I’m unsure of what to do. I want her. And I’ll have her. But not yet. She needs something from me before she’s going to give in. It’s a challenge that I readily accept.

I clear my throat and sit up straight in my seat. “Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?”

She stares at me in an attempt to calm herself down. I want to walk over and pull her into my embrace, to soothe her worries and tell her everything is going to be alright. But right now she’s hostile. It would only make matters worse.

“I’ll see you in forty minutes then, Miss Harrison.” She nods quickly and turns on her heels.

“Rose,” I call out her name and she stops with her hand on the doorknob, but she doesn’t turn around. “My door is always open for you. If you decide you need anything.” I hear her take in a deep breath. I’m not sure, but I think she may be crying. It fucking shreds me. “There’s a bathroom to your right, if you need it before leaving my office.”

She shakes her head and mutters, “I’m fine.”

But she’s not fine, she’s so far from it.

Chapter 17


God, he’s driving me insane.

I walk into the bathroom around the corner from Logan’s office and grab a handful of toilet paper from the first stall to blow my nose, feeling a cauldron of emotions bubbling inside. Anger, shock, lust and sadness. I don’t know what to make of Logan. At first I thought he made me the head sales rep just to humiliate me. Now I’m having doubts.

What’s worse is that I want to take back these last few days and play along with his game. I just want him to take me and fuck me like his office slut. How fucked up is that?

I feel ashamed thinking this way, but when he started talking dirty to me in his office, it was all I could do to hold my ground. I wanted to give into him right then and there, get on my knees and let the image he described come to life.

This is wrong. I shouldn’t be entertaining these feelings. I’m so confused by what’s happened. But some things are very clear. Logan is my boss now. A relationship between us would be inappropriate.

I wrap my arms around myself, squeezing tight and trying to clear my head.

Why do I have to resist? No one has to know about our relationship. It could be our little secret. A giddy grin comes over my face at the thought. Don’t I deserve this after what Ian did to me? Why can’t I use Logan for pleasure just like how he wants to use me?

… 'cause then I’ll feel like a whore.

“Damn him,” I growl, blowing my nose and throwing the paper towel in the wastebasket. I’m torn and conflicted. I don’t know if I can trust what Logan’s offering, and I don’t know what to do. I sure as hell know what my body wants though. That I can't deny.

I blow out a deep breath. For right now, I need to get myself cleaned up. I can’t miss this meeting.

The board meeting is stuffy, and I’m finding it hard to focus while an intern named Harold gives a presentation about a new method of advertising online. I should be paying attention to what he says, but all I can think about is Logan.

The way he looked at me in his office, with a hunger that was almost palpable and how much he wanted me, is doing crazy things to my body. The way he said, “fucktoy.” The memory sends shivers down my body.

Unconsciously, my gaze is drawn over in his direction. My breath catches in my throat. He’s staring back at me with a ravenous hunger in his eyes. My clit throbs in response and a prickly sensation goes up all over my arms. Not here. My heart beats rapidly. Not with everyone else watching. My eyes dart around the room, but everyone’s looking at Harold.

Doesn’t he know that you shouldn’t mix business with pleasure?

Willow Winters's books