I have to agree with Eva, and it makes me more upset at Logan.

This is a game for him. I don’t want to play a game.

This is my life. I start to get choked up, and I try to ignore it. I wish I wasn’t so emotional. I wish I could just be rational about all this, but how can I be?

I’m worried this could all be a play on his part so he can humiliate me for leaving him in Vegas. His endgame could be to set me up to fail, so he can fire me and make sure I never work in sales again.

At the thought, anger and desperation mix and churn in my stomach, and a surge of anxiety rolls through me. I need to stop being scared and confront him like an adult. If Logan’s plan is to humiliate me, there’s nothing I can do about it but prove to him that I can handle whatever the fuck he throws my way. Just because he’s my boss now doesn’t mean I have to let him treat me this way.

Well, I think to myself as I signal the waiter for a to-go box so I can put my untouched food away for later, if he wants me to play games, fuck it. I’ll play.

Chapter 16


“Mr. Parker?” Charlotte asks with an even voice and the door cracked. “You wanted to see me?” She doesn’t leave the doorway though, and it forces my lips into a straight line.

I tap my knuckles on the desk and stare pointedly at the door. “Close it.” My voice is low and she stares back at me with her chest rising and falling.

My command seems to trigger something in her. There’s an obvious shift in her demeanor. Her eyes narrow at me but she closes it, kicking it shut with her heel and making her way toward me.

“Logan,” she says in a harsh voice. She looks pissed as hell and for some reason it turns me the fuck on. My cock twitches in my two thousand dollar slacks, and my heart races in my chest. This isn’t why I called her in here. I don’t know what’s gotten into her, but I need to fix this.

“If I’m going to lose my job over this, so be it, but I am not some office slut.” She spits out the last part with venom. Is that what she thinks? Fuck! This was supposed to be enjoyable for her, and just as much as it is for me. I feel like an asshole. I should have explained things better to her.

“I am not some-”

I look her in the eyes and cut her off. “If you don’t want me, there’s nothing left to discuss. You still have your job, you earned it. You deserve that position.”

Her forehead pinches and she opens and closes her mouth taking deep angry breaths as though she’s ready to lay into me, but she’s lost her steam. She wasn’t expecting me to bow out of this argument so easily.

This is something she made up in her head. It’s my fault for toying with her, but I didn’t expect this reaction.

“If you don’t want to fuck me, then don’t,” I say easily. “It’s been two days since our discussion, and I couldn’t wait another hour to see you at the meeting.” I stand and walk my way around the desk to her. She eyes me warily as I lean back, both hands gripping the edge of the desk.

“You aren’t an office slut, and I don’t see you like that at all.” My eyes roam her body as I speak. “But I wanna fuck you like one,” I confess to her.

Her eyes widen and she takes a half step back.

I turn to face her and take a full step forward so I’m close enough to pull her toward me, but I resist.

“I want you, Rose. I want you in my company making me proud, and I want you bent over my desk cumming on my dick.”

A small pant slips past her lips. Her thighs clench, and knowing that I’m exciting her makes my dick stiffen. I reach up and slowly run my finger along her bottom lip. I can see her on her knees, sucking me off under my desk. I want that. I desperately want that.

“You’re striking; it’s only natural that I want you.”

Her eyes stay on mine and she speaks in a low voice, “I’m not a fucktoy.” There’s no fight in her words though. I can see she’s just as turned on as I am.

“You’re not, but I think it’d be fun to treat you like one, for both of us. It doesn’t have to be degrading…” I trail off and watch as her eyes fall to the floor before continuing, “unless you want it to be.”

Her beautiful blue eyes snap up to mine and I can see she still wants to fight the sexual tension between us. She doesn’t want to give in to the primal needs that she has.

“Today for instance,” I start to say, turning away from her and walking back to my desk. If she wants this, she’s going to have to prove it to me.

I sit easily in my chair as she stands defensively across the desk.

Willow Winters's books