Monday (Timeless Teaser)

“Yaya did a great job.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty amazing. She’s lost so many people, but she’s so happy all the time. She’s been a good influence on Axel and me.” She still didn’t tell me what happened to her parents so I assumed she didn’t want to talk about it. She turned her green eyes on me, and there was hesitation deep within. “Did your parents pass away as well?”

I held her gaze as I tried to think of a response. I didn’t like talking about my personal life or myself. It went against everything I believed in. It was easier to keep everyone at bay than to let them in and see who I was and where I came from. “No. They went on vacation together.”

“Oh…” Francesca couldn’t hide her surprise. “Well, that’s nice. Where did they go?”

“The Caribbean. Axel invited me along so I wouldn’t be alone.”

“I’m sure you’d rather be in paradise instead of here.” She released a quick laugh.

“No, not at all.” I held her gaze as I said it. Being there, hidden away from everything else, was exactly what I wanted. Going fishing in the morning and experiencing that quiet companionship was a nice break from my life of solitude. Francesca was the closest thing I’ve ever had to a girl friend.

Axel’s footsteps were heard on the stairway, and a moment later, he appeared in the living room. He stared at both of us on the couch, and accusation moved into his eyes.

“I was just telling Francesca that my parents are in the Caribbean.” When it came to Axel’s protective side, it was best to speak first.

He relaxed slightly as he adjusted the watch on his wrist. “Ready to go?”

I forgot about our plans.

“Where are you two going?” Francesca asked.

“Out.” Axel didn’t look at her. “Let’s go.”

“Can I come?” Francesca asked.

No. That would be more awkward.

“No, brat,” Axel said. “We’re headed to the bar and don’t need a crow to scare all the sparrows away.”

“I’m not a crow,” Francesca hissed.

“You sound like one,” Axel shot back.

I didn’t know how to get out of this. The guilt was eating me alive. If I went out with Axel, Francesca would know how much of a pig I was. I had every right to do whatever I wanted but…I didn’t want to do it. Not in front of her. “Axel, I’m not feeling well…” I rubbed my temple like I had a migraine. “Go ahead without me.”

That look of accusation was back. “Then take some ibuprofen.”

Francesca watched our interaction.

“We’ll go out tomorrow.” I would make an excuse then too. “After fishing all morning and dinner…I’m just not feeling it.”

Axel wouldn’t say anything in front of his sister, but it was clear he wanted to. “Well, I’m going out. I’ll see you in the morning.” He grabbed his keys from the door then walked out. He didn’t slam the door but it was clear he wanted to.

I turned back to Francesca and tried not to stare.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Because I have some aspirin.” The concerned look on her face somehow made her more beautiful.

“Don’t worry about me.”

Francesca rested her hands in her lap and fidgeted quietly.

Now it was awkward, and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to go out with Axel because I knew it would make things more strained between us. But making up an excuse to stay there seemed to make it just as uncomfortable.

“My brother told me to stay away from you.” Instead of looking at the opposite wall or the ground, she looked at me. She never seemed nervous around me. Nothing could intimidate her. “He said you were a bad guy.”

Her brother did the dirty work for me. “And he’s right.”

She didn’t react overtly, but a small look of disappointment was in her eyes.

I knew it hurt her when I didn’t call her for a second date. The look on her face when I walked away from her on her doorstep would be forever ingrained in my mind. I knew there were still feelings on her part, as there were on mine. “I’m the type of guy you hate. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear from the beginning.”

She searched my eyes like she was trying to find something. She did that often and I wasn’t sure why. “I don’t hate you, Hawke. And you’ve given me no reason to.”

“I beg to differ. I completely misread you when we met. I’m sorry my stupidity caused so much awkwardness.”

“But you didn’t misread me,” she said. “I came on a little strong…because I really liked you.”

My heart accelerated in my chest.

“And I don’t blame you for getting that impression. It’s easy to misinterpret my forwardness for sluttiness.”

I wish she were slutty. “I’m glad we were able to work this out.”

She nodded. “We’re both adults. At least now everything makes a little more sense.” She held my gaze for a moment, her green eyes as vibrant as a freshly mowed lawn in the heat of summer. “So…you never have relationships?”

“No.” I said it without hesitation.


E. L. Todd's books