Monday (Timeless Teaser)

“Then why don’t you want to go?”

“I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Let’s go out later.”

“Why are you being a * right now?”

He wasn’t going to let this go until he got his way. “Fine. We’ll go.”

“Good.” He clapped my shoulder. “I need to get laid tonight. It’s been like a week for me.”

“Good to know,” I said sarcastically.


Yaya and Francesca cooked Thanksgiving dinner and refused to let Axel and I help. When Axel talked to me at the table, I found myself tuning him out and watching Francesca move around the kitchen. She wore skinny jeans and a loose green sweater. It fit the contours of her body, and I remembered the way her tits felt in my hands.

She had a nice rack.

My eyes struggled to pull away because she kept my focus even when she didn’t do anything to get it to begin with. She was a natural.

We finally sat around the table and Yaya said grace. Then we dug in. The food was amazing like I expected it to be, and I couldn’t tell whether Yaya or Francesca was responsible for it. Probably both.

Francesca sat across from me, so I was forced to look at her beautiful face even though I probably would have looked anyway. Her green eyes were constantly bright, and they reflected her mood. They reminded me of the trees just outside the window, thick and green. Her pale skin didn’t seem tinted by the sun, but it was beautiful nonetheless. My eyes kept moving to her lips. I wanted to part them with my tongue and get her to say my name.

After dinner was finished, we all helped with the dishes and put the leftovers away. When we tackled everything as a team, it wasn’t difficult to complete. Francesca and I brushed up against each other numerous times, and every time that happened, my cock twitched.

I wanted her.

We sat in the living room and watched TV in comfortable silence. Francesca read the book she was reading the night before. It was something from Oprah’s book club. Whenever she was deep in the story, her facial expressions would change slightly. Her eyebrows would move, and sometimes, the corner of her lips would rise. She turned the pages quietly, licking her fingers as she did it.

I didn’t watch the TV once.

At some point in the evening, Yaya went to bed. Then Axel followed afterward. Before he left, he gave me a warning look that clearly said his sister was off limits.

I nodded my understanding.

Axel went upstairs and shut his bedroom door.

Francesca kept reading like she didn’t notice that her family went to bed.

“Do you like it?”

Her eyes darted to mine like she’d just been pulled from a faraway place. “Sorry?”

“Your book. Do you like it?”

“Oh…” Her flustered look disappeared. “Yeah, I do.”

“How far along are you?”

“About halfway. I don’t have time to read as much as I would like so this is a great opportunity.”

“I’m surprised you can stay awake with all that turkey we just ate.”

She chuckled. “Reading puts some people to sleep. It has the opposite effect on me.”

I didn’t read much. It was never a hobby of mine. “I’ll have to hit the gym twice as hard on Monday.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah…you really need it.”

When I came out of the bathroom with just a towel around my waist, Francesca practically drooled all over me. Her eyes were glued to my chest, and she lost her train of thought as she continued to pound on her brother’s door. “If I want to make an impression, I have to keep it up.”

Her eyes moved back to her book. “You make an impression anyway, Hawke.” Her brown hair moved over one shoulder, and it shined as the light from the fire fell on it.

The TV faded to the background. I wasn’t even sure what was on. “Thank you for dinner. You did a great job.”

“You’re welcome. I wish I could cook all day instead of going to class.”

“Then why don’t you?”

She shrugged. “I’m almost done with school anyway. I might as well get my money’s worth and finish.” She closed the book and set it aside like she didn’t intend to read for the rest of the night. Her nails weren’t painted like most other girls I knew. They were plain.

“I suppose.”

She rose from the armchair then sat on the sofa next to me. “Are you having a good time?”

“I am.” I was suddenly aware of how close we were to each other. All I had to do was lean over and pull her jeans down slightly, and I would get what I wanted. Francesca was an innately sexy woman. She was beautiful without even trying. “Are you?”

“Yeah. Anytime I’m home with my family I’m happy.”

There were some obvious people missing. It was clear her parents were no longer in the picture, but I wasn’t sure what happened to them. Axel never mentioned it, and of course, I never asked. Sensitive feelings weren’t discussed between two dudes. “What happened to your parents, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Her expression didn’t change at all. She kept the same calmness like I didn’t hit a nerve. “They passed away when I was young. Yaya took over and raised us.” She didn’t elaborate further.

E. L. Todd's books