Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

“Sounds good, Mom. Love you both.”

When Amanda and Brad were out the door, Taylor shut it and turned to face me. She fell back against the door and gave me a horrified look. “Oh. My. Goodness.”

Covering her mouth with her hands, she broke down laughing. “That was so close! What if they had walked in? We would have been caught in the act.”

Letting out a laugh of my own, I shook my head as my hand pushed through my hair. “That was very close. I’m pretty sure your dad knew.”

Horror washed across Taylor’s face. “No!”

“Yes. He was pissed when he first got here and he kept making little comments here and there.”

“That makes me feel a little sick. I mean, I’m sure my parents know we are sleeping together, but to have them show up when we are . . . well . . . doing what we were doing.”

My heart stopped for a brief moment at the thought of Brad walking in on us. My body trembled as I pushed the image away quickly.

The concerned look on Taylor’s face had me holding back my chuckle. God how I love her. With a wicked smile I said, “Playing?”

Her face curved into a grin so enticing I wanted to take her right this very second. “Is that what you would call it?”

We moved closer to each other while our breathing increased. Her beautiful green eyes turned dark with desire as I replied, “I wish we could finish playing, but we probably should head to Llano for dinner.”

Taylor jetted out her lip in a pout. “My parents kind of put a damper on today, I’m sorry.”

Kissing her on the forehead, I grinned. “Nah, it was kind of nice getting to know them. Plus, they helped us get you unpacked and settled so the next couple of days we can spend together doing whatever you want.”

Her voice was breathy as she said, “I like the sound of that.” Her lips pressed against mine while my body heated the longer the kiss lingered on.

“I should go get dressed for dinner.”

Taylor started to her bedroom when I reached for her arm. “Don’t dress up. Wear jeans and layers. I have plans for after dinner.”

With a delighted expression, her cheeks blushed as she grinned. “Okay, jeans and layers. Got it.”

While Taylor got dressed, I got her DVD player and TV hooked up. I couldn’t help but smile like a fool thinking about all the nights we would curl up and watch movies together.

Closing my eyes, I took in a long deep breath and held it for a few moments before letting it out. This has been like a dream. One I never wanted to wake up from.

“Do I look okay?”

I quickly stood and spun around. My heart dropped and I swear my knees wobbled. Taylor stood before me dressed in jeans and a beige dress shirt. The lace on the shirt somehow made her look so damn innocent. But the way it scooped down showed just enough to make me curious and had my dick jumping in my pants. Her hair was pulled up and piled in a sloppy bun on the top of her head. I swore I could see her hazel eyes sparkling from where I was standing.

Sauntering over, she stopped right in front of me. In a quiet voice, she asked, “Do you want me to change? You’re not saying anything.”

“Your beauty has left me speechless.”

Her lips parted slightly open as she let out a soft chuckle. “You do crazy things to me, Jase. You always have.”

My hand cradled the side of her face as she leaned into it. “Sweetness, you drive me mad. From the first moment I saw you, I had to fight the attraction.”

“No more fighting though, right?”

Leaning my forehead against hers, I whispered, “Never again.”

Pulling in, I parked behind Reed’s truck. “Looks like everyone is here if Ava rode over with her parents.

Taylor wrung her hands in her lap as she looked at the house.

“Hey, look at me, Tay.”

She snapped her head and tried like hell to smile. “There isn’t anything to be nervous about. You met my parents already; they are who really count.”

With a slight nod, her voice wobbled as she talked. “I don’t know why. . . . I’m just so nervous.”

Pulling her hand to my mouth, I kissed the back of it. “I promise I won’t leave your side for a minute. Everyone is going to love you.”

“How do you know that?”

I fought against the lump in my throat. She really had no idea how much she meant to me. How since the moment she walked out of that barn I’ve been in a world of utopia. “You have no idea how happy you make me, do you?”

Sniffling, she blinked her eyes quickly to keep from crying. “You make me happy, Jase. So very happy and I’m so scared I’m going to wake up and this is all going to be a dream and I hate that I keep thinking like that.”

My hand slid behind her neck, pulling her closer to me. “It’s not a dream,” I spoke against her lips. “I love you, Taylor.”