Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

“Um . . . no of course not,” I said trying to do something with my nervous hands.

Jase placed his hand on my lower back again, guiding me into the living room. “This is my sister; Taylor is her name also. She goes by Liza though.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Liza.”

Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at Jase and then me. “I’ve heard so much about you, Taylor. It’s so wonderful to have you here. It really is.”

Feeling the heat sweep across my face, I replied, “Thank you. It’s been an amazing couple of days.”

She winked as she leaned in closer. “I bet.”

Oh lord.

“You already know Walker.”

Reaching my hand out to Walker, he pulled me in for a hug and whispered, “Don’t worry. They won’t bite.”

When I pulled away, he winked and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Next came Jase’s mom. Please don’t let me say something stupid.

“Taylor, this is my beautiful mother, Whitley. Mom, this is my Taylor.”

My Taylor.

Both Whitley and I looked at Jase and smiled. “Your Taylor, huh?” Whitley said with a chuckle.

When he wrapped his arm around my waist, I couldn’t help but relax into his side. I felt so safe with him.

“Let her go this instant, Jase Adam Morris.”

Letting his arm drop, Whitley engulfed me in a hug and whispered, “It’s so wonderful to finally meet you. You have no idea how happy I am right now.”

She pushed me back at arm’s length and looked me over. “You’re more beautiful than Jase said.”

Tingling swept the back of my neck and I was pretty sure even my ears were red. “All right, Mom. You’re embarrassing her. You’ve already met my father.”

“Mr. Morris,” I softly spoke with a slight nod.

“It’s Layton. Please no Mr. or Mrs. Morris in this house.” Layton turned to Jase and grinned. “I only need you to do me one favor and that is to mend the fence in the southwest pasture next to the gate. It looks like someone was trying to get in. After that you’re free to spend the next few days off.”

“I’ve got the fence, Layton. Jase has been working non-stop and deserves a few days off.”

Jase shook Walker’s hand and said, “I owe you one.”

Clearing her throat, Whitley asked, “Will you be home for dinner? Reed, Courtney, and Ava will be here. I’m sure they would love to meet Taylor.”

With a quick peek at me, I nodded. “What time?”


With his arm back around my waist, Jase replied, “We’ll be here.”

Whitley’s expression was one of pure elation. “Perfect!” Taking my hands in hers, Whitley forced the wetness in her eyes down. “Taylor, it really was so wonderful to meet you. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Sounds great,” I replied with a polite smile. I wasn’t sure why, but I had the strangest feeling after tonight my life would never be the same.


Jase led me away from everyone and to the stairs. I quickly peeked around the house. It was huge.

“Want a tour?”

“How about tonight,” I replied as we headed up the steps. Walking down the hall, Jase opened the door to his room and I instantly grinned from ear to ear. It looked like we were walking back in time. Trophies adorned the dresser, a collection of baseball caps hung on the wall along with a football jersey. The thing I noticed the most was how clean it was. Even the bed was made.

“Wow. Are you a neat freak or something?”

Looking around, Jase asked, “No, why?”

“It’s so clean in here. There isn’t anything out of place.”

With a quick laugh, Jase pulled me over to the bed and pushed me down. “Maybe we should mess up the sheets.”

I held up my hands and pointed to him. “No! Stay away, Jase. Your parents are right downstairs!”

He crawled over me and sucked my lower lip into his mouth. A low growl came from the back of his throat as I fought to keep my libido in check.

“No,” I whispered against his lips. “It’s not right.”

His hand laced through my hair where he pulled, exposing my neck to him. Running his tongue along my skin, I trembled. “You’re right, but remember this is where we left off because I intend on picking back up when we get back to your place and unpack.”

My thoughts were scattered. A part of me wanted to beg him to take me right there and the other part was excited for what waited for me later.

“What about you? You said you were going to use your days off to move and now you’re wasting them on me.”

Jase’s face fell. “Wasting. I’m not wasting anything. I only want to be with you, Taylor.”

Pushing off the bed, he walked to his closet and grabbed a duffle bag. Without much thought, he began throwing clothes into the bag. He wasn’t even folding them.

“Are you even paying attention to what you’re packing?”

“Yeah. Why?”