Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

Leaning in closer to her so no one would hear, I asked, “Will you design your own?”

Her eyes lit up and I knew that no matter what her parents had to say, none of it would matter. She was in love and you clearly saw it in her eyes.

“Yes! I already have most of it planned out in my head, but, I’ve stumbled upon a design that Ryder’s sister, Kate, was working on before she passed away.”

My stomach dropped. “Oh no!”

Ava frowned, “I know. She was so young and she was pre . . . um . . . well it was really sad.”

I nodded and quickly changed the subject. It was obvious she was about to say Kate was pregnant.

Dinner finished and the kids cleaned off the table as the parents happily let us take care of the clean up.

When the last dish was dried and put away, Jase winked and motioned for me to walk over to him.

“Have you had enough of my crazy family?”

With a titter, I hit him lightly on the chest. “Nonsense. I’ve had a wonderful time. It’s nice to see they’re normal just like mine. I have to admit; I give Ava props for trying to use me being there as a way to soften the blow of her news.”

Jase rolled his eyes. “Typical Ava. Come on, let’s head out back and let my parents know we are heading out.”

“So soon?”

Without so much as looking back at me, Jase took my hand and pulled me along behind him. “I don’t want to miss the sunset.”

Grinning from ear to ear, I said, “Because we know how much you love the sunset.”

Glancing over his shoulder, he gave me a wicked smile. “Yes, I do. And I will love it even more sharing it with you.”

Thud. There went my heart against my chest. I never imagined I’d find someone as romantic as Colt, Will, and Luke. I dare say Jase could give them a run for their money.

Meagan, Lauren, Grace, and Alex had all been texting me throughout the day. I texted them each back and told them to give me twenty-four hours and then I’d fill them in on everything. Lauren pretty much told them everything so far. I knew they would hit me up with questions like how is the sex or is he hung well.

“What are you smiling about over there?” Jase asked as we walked up to his parents.

“Nothing, I’m just happy.”

He stopped walking and cupped my face in his hands. “And you have no idea how happy that makes me hearing you say that.”

Kissing me lightly on the lips, he took my hand again. Stopping in front of Whitley and Layton, I smiled at them as Jase told them our plans.

“I’m gonna show Taylor the ranch before the sun goes down. We probably won’t be stopping back by before we leave. We’ve got a date under the stars tonight.”

Courtney sighed as Whitley beamed. “How romantic.” Turning to look at me, she asked, “Taylor sweetheart, did you bring a jacket?”

“Yes ma’am, I did.”

Turning to Courtney and Reed, I smiled brightly. “It was such a pleasure meeting you both.”

They both stood and hugged me. “I’m so sorry Ava dropped her bomb on us at dinner,” Courtney said in a frustrated voice.

“It’s really okay. She kind of gave me a heads up. For what it’s worth, she really seems to be happy.”

Tears built in Courtney’s eyes as she looked at Reed who barely smiled. “That’s what scares me,” he barely said.

Jase clapped his hands together and said, “Okay, let’s go. The sun is dipping further down and we need time to get to my spot I have picked out.”

Whitley kissed Jase and then me. “Have fun and be careful, Jase,” Layton said as he kissed me on the cheek. “We’ll see you soon, Taylor.”

“Thank you again for dinner.”

“Any time, sweetheart. You’re always welcome here,” Whitley said as her voice cracked.

Jase took my hand and pulled gently. “That’s our cue to leave before she gets all emotional.”

Laughing, I waved goodbye to everyone. I was on a high the whole way to Jase’s truck. There was a feeling in my bones telling me tonight was going to be a night I would never forget.

Jase drove through pasture after pasture and through a couple gates. We had passed the cattle a few miles back not to mention the endless amount of deer that were out.

“So, is this really your spot?” I asked watching the beautiful countryside pass by in the window.

“Yep. I come here a lot when I need to think.”

Peeking over to him, I asked, “So, you’re sharing your thinking place with me?”

With a chuckle he nodded. “I am. After that dinner we needed a place where the only thing we hear is the crickets singing.”

Staring at him, I couldn’t believe how he made me feel. The things he said to me made me feel like I was on a constant thrill ride with as much as my stomach dropped with not only his touch, but his words as well.

“The suns starting to set. It’s perfect timing.”

My attention was drawn to the view in front of me. The sun was sinking lower on the horizon and the colors were breathtaking. “Wow,” I quietly said.