Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

She chuckled. “It is. Crazy old man gets up early every day and walks out with Louise to the garden. She insists on going with him and I know that just makes Garrett so mad.” Grams covered her mouth as she smiled.

Rocking in her chair, we talked a bit more about me coming over more often to visit her. She wanted to finish teaching me how to can veggies. Especially now that I had come to my senses and moved back home to the country.

Grace, Gunner’s mother, walked out onto the porch with the warmest smile on her face. “Here you two are. We were wondering where you both snuck off to.”

“Taylor and I were enjoying the peace,” Grams said as she stood up. Taking Grace’s arm, she looked back down to me. “Always kiss him goodbye and kiss him when he comes home. A man needs to feel loved and it’s usually the simple things that make him feel it.”

Standing, I kissed Grams on both cheeks. “I’ll remember everything you told me. I love you, Grams. Thank you for all your advice.”

Ever since I could remember, Grams had been there to give us all advice. From when was the best time of year to plant certain vegetables to how to get over a broken heart. It seemed like she had a story for everything. And I swear she had some magical gift to tell when someone was pregnant even before they knew. It was weird.

With a nod, she replied, “I love you too, sweet girl.”

Glancing over to Grace, I said, “I’ll be right in, Grace.”

“Take your time, honey.”

Once they were inside the house, I sent Jase a text message.

Me: I miss you.

It was less than a minute before my phone beeped.

Jase: I miss you too. Are you going back to your parents’ tonight?

Me: Nope. Santa left me a little something in my stocking just for you.

When my phone rang, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“That was fast.”

“What did he leave you?”

I tried to hold my giggles back. Lauren and I had run into Fredericksburg yesterday for a few last minute gifts. When we stumbled upon a new store tucked away on one of the side streets, I thought Lauren was going to go nuts. It was a lingerie store. We both bought a little something for ourselves and few little things for Alex, Grace, Meagan, and Libby. It was nice to know we didn’t have to drive into Austin for something sexy.

“I’ll give you one hint.”

I could hear him moving away from everyone. “Okay, I’m on the front porch. I only get one hint?”

“Yep!” I said, popping my p. “It’s lace.”


“That would be two hints,” I softly replied.

“I’m coming over tonight.”

Desire blazed through my body. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“Shit, I’ve got to go. They’re about to open gifts. Next year we’ll be spending all of Christmas day together.”

I was on early kitchen duty this year and ended up staying last night at Ellie’s house along with Alex. That meant no waking up to Jase this morning, but Alex and I had our own little private slumber party last night, which had been fun.

The thought of waking up Christmas morning in Jase’s arms was a wonderful one. “I’ll text you when I’m leaving and heading home.”

“Sounds good. Taylor?”

My breath caught like it always did when I knew what was coming next. “Yes?”

“I love you.”

My eyes closed as the most amazing feeling wrapped my body like a blanket. “I love you too.”


“You’re off in another world,” Ava said as she hit me lightly on the stomach.

Drying off the last dish, I placed it in the cabinet and turned to Ava. “Wondering what Taylor is doing.”

A smile grew across her face. Nodding, she said, “Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about Ryder. I can’t wait to get back to Montana.”

Narrowing my eyes, I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms over my chest. “Are you really going to move to Montana?”

Her eyes lit up and her face beamed. “I love him, Jase. I can honestly say I’ve never felt this way before in my life. It’s like he brought a part of me I didn’t know existed to life. That’s the only way I can describe it.”

“You’re preaching to the choir.”

With a chuckle, she leaned her head back and took me in. “Taylor seems very sweet and . . . innocent.”

“She’s both.”

“Very beautiful too, I might add. The way she looks at you there is no doubt she is madly in love with you.”

With a grin, I looked out the window. “I wish I hadn’t been so stupid and wasted so much time.”

“Everything worked out like it should have and that’s all that matters.”

I brought my attention back to Ava. “Yeah. So how are Reed and Courtney taking your decision to marry Ryder and set up roots up north?”

She frowned and let out a low moan. “My father must have lectured me for I swear three hours about jumping into something so quickly with Ryder.”

“It is kind of fast, Ava.”