Love Restored (Gallagher Brothers #1)

Maya grinned. “I knew I liked you. Don’t worry, they’re leaving.”

She smacked each of their butts, and they gave her a kiss before walking to the door. Blake held back a sigh at the sight. She wasn’t jealous, not really, but damn if she didn’t want something like that in her life. She didn’t need two men, but one who didn’t have an ex-wife that wasn’t so ex or a drug problem that threatened to take down everyone else around him would be nice.

Before Jake walked out, he gave Blake a look and sighed. “If my brother put that look on your face, let me know, and I’ll kick his ass.”

Blake stiffened. “Excuse me?” Her tone was ice.

Jake held up his hands. “I won’t interfere, but Graham has some issues because of things that he should really talk to you about. So if he put that look in your eyes, I’ll take care of it for you.”

Though his words intrigued her, she didn’t fall for the bait. “I can handle myself. Thank you.”

Jake snorted. “That ‘thank you’ sounded like a fuck you, so I’ll be going now. Just keep that in mind.”

Before she could tell him where he could stick his help, he closed the door behind him, leaving her in the room with Maya, and hopefully soon, cake.

“Well, that was interesting,” Maya said after a moment. “I need cake. Chocolate this time. Which one do you want?”

Thankful for the reprieve, Blake turned to Maya. “Chocolate, of course. If I wanted fruit, I wouldn’t have cake.”

Maya shook her head as she pulled the chocolate cake perfection out of the fridge. It looked divine, with two layers, fudge frosting, and little cream cheese fudge decorations. Blake might have orgasmed right then if Maya hadn’t been there. Hell, once she took a bite of this thing, she might not care if Maya were in the room.

“You’ve never had the Spring Fling cake if you think it’s just fruit. That’s okay for now, but one day, we will bring some into the shop, and you will bow before me, knowing you have found the one true cake in all its glory.”

Blake stared at her blankly. “You take cake seriously.”

“I’m a woman, and I’m a Montgomery-soon-to-be-Gallagher since we’re taking Jake’s name. Of course, I take cake seriously.”

She cut two large slices of chocolate nirvana and set them on the plates that had already been on the kitchen island. “Do you want milk, booze, or something else to drink with your slice?”

“As that looks like a mini cake and not a mere slice, I think milk sounds good. I need to drive, so no booze for me.”

“Sounds like a plan. Glasses are in the cabinet next to the sink if you don’t mind helping.” Blake shook her head and went to get the glasses before finding the milk in the fridge. Anything to keep her hands busy and her mind off the fact that she’d had Graham in her life for a moment. But then it had gone haywire, and now he was gone. She couldn’t help but be a little angry about it.

They took their dessert into the living room and sank down onto the large couches that had clearly been bought with the men in mind.

“So, what’s going on with you, Blake?” Maya asked before eating a big bite of cake. The other woman’s eyes rolled back, and she moaned.

Blake shrugged and took a bite herself. She paused, letting the chocolate settle on her tongue before swallowing. Her mouth watered, her mind whirled, and she let out a moan herself.

“Oh my God.”

“I know,” Maya said. “I’m kind of sad my guys aren’t here for this, but you know what? I’m going to eat my cake and then have them, too.”

Blake barely stopped herself from choking on cake as she swallowed the next bite. “Should I leave you alone with your cake now?”

Maya waved a fork at her and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t get all pure and mighty over there. I saw you shuddering and moaning in your seat with that bite. You’re just as in love with the chocolate goodness that is sugar sex manna as I am, thank you very much.”

“You’re so weird,” Blake said once she’d stopped laughing.

“Well, duh. Don’t know why you didn’t see that before. Anyway, what the hell is going on in that head of yours right now? You sounded off on the phone, and there’s something in your eyes that tells me you have a story you need to tell.” She held up her hand. “You don’t have to tell me about your life or your past because I know you’re cagey about that, but what happened tonight, Blake? You can talk to me. I know my brothers joke that I gossip, but I don’t. Not when it’s important.”

Blake set down her plate, not that hungry anymore. And frankly, she didn’t want to associate the tumultuous thoughts in her mind with the glory that was that kind of cake.