Love Restored (Gallagher Brothers #1)

Graham: I asked you if you wanted food. If I wanted you to see my etchings, I’d have said come over and ride my dick.

And why the hell had he said that? This woman brought out the worst…and the best…in him.

Blake: Not that riding your dick isn’t a decent offer, but I’ll need food first. I’m off tonight, so I can come over for a bit because apparently, I’m crazy. And no, I won’t be riding your dick tonight.

He chuckled, quickly sent her his address, and put away his phone while he figured out what the hell he was doing. He’d invited her over on a whim, and he hadn’t really thought she’d say yes. Or maybe he had since he really didn’t know her. But he wanted to.

Though she’d said she didn’t need food, he made sure he had snacks and something to drink other than beer, milk, and water. Thankfully, Jake had made lemonade a few nights ago, and it was still good. Between his three brothers and Jake’s significant others, he usually had enough in his refrigerator so he didn’t go thirsty.

When he closed the fridge door, the doorbell rang, and he frowned. He hadn’t thought Blake was that close, but maybe he was wrong. Anticipation crawled up his spine, and he went to the door, opening it without bothering to look through the peephole.

When he saw her standing there, the bottom of his gut fell out, and his world crashed around him. His body went numb, his fingers and chest tingling as he fought for breath.


His ex-wife. What the fuck was his ex-wife doing on his porch? He hadn’t seen her in two years, and he’d been damn happy about that. He didn’t hate her, but he sure as hell didn’t want to see her.

“Graham, you’re home.” Her voice had that smooth, breathless quality he’d used to love so much. She was tiny, soft, and a little broken. As she’d been for five years. Her eyes haunted him. He’d done his best to fix it; even knowing he’d never be enough.

And why the hell was she back? Why would she open those wounds again when he was just now figuring out how to be his own person and know the shadow of the man he’d once been.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice rough, a little cold.

She played with her fingers in front of her, her eyes downcast. “I wanted to see you.” A pause. “I needed to see you.”

He gripped the edge of the door, his knuckles going white. “I still don’t know why you’re here, Candice. I thought we said all we needed to say when you left.”

And that had been the kicker. She’d been the one to leave him. He hadn’t loved her anymore, but he’d at least tried to fix things when everything had gone to hell. And yet, when everything had shattered, he hadn’t been enough to pick up the pieces. Instead, he’d been left with cuts and bruises from the shards left behind.

“That’s fair,” she said softly. “But it’s been five years, Graham. I…I don’t want to be alone now.”

He felt the color leach from his face, his body stiffening at the reminder of what they’d lost five years ago.

“Don’t, Candice.”

“She’d have been ten this month, Graham. Ten. Can you believe that? We should be throwing a party with princesses or light sabers. Instead, she’s not here, and I’m on your porch, waiting for you to let me in as I bare my soul to you.

“Don’t, Candice. Don’t even go there. You’re not baring anything. You’re here because you don’t like being alone and, you know, I get that. You’ve always been the one who couldn’t be on your own. But you left before, and I can’t deal with you now.”

“You never wanted to deal,” she whispered.

A car pulled up, and Graham cursed. Fuck, he’d forgotten about Blake as soon as he’d seen Candice on his porch, and he could have kicked himself for it.

Candice turned at the sound of the car, and watched along with him as a long-legged Blake in all her inked and pierced glory get out, a frown on her face.

“Hey,” she said when she walked toward them, hesitation evident in her body language.

“Hey,” Graham said slowly. “Uh, you can go on in if you want. I’ll just be a minute.”

Blake raised a brow and pointedly looked at Candice. She held out a hand. “Hi, I’m Blake. Graham’s friend.”

Candice studied the other woman’s hand but didn’t shake it. “I’m Candice Gallagher, Graham’s wife.”

Graham cursed as Blake’s whole body stiffened, her face going pale.

“Ex-wife. She’s my ex-wife.”

Blake met his gaze and shook her head. “You know what, you do you, Graham. I’m out. I knew this was a mistake before, and I don’t have time for this kind of drama.” With that, she quickly walked away, getting in her car before he had a chance to even move forward. When he did move, Candice blocked him. Blake pulled out of the driveway and drove off, leaving him with the woman he didn’t want in his life.

“Who was that?” Candice asked with a slight edge to her tone.

Graham turned on her and glared. “She is none of your business. You don’t have a right to that, not anymore. You said your piece, or at least fucked around enough to screw things up for me. So get out. I’m done, Candice.”