Love Restored (Gallagher Brothers #1)

Blake could practically hear the smile in the other woman’s voice. “Yeah, you are. So why did you invite me over for a drink?”

“I can watch you drink. Or we can eat cake. Border brought me cake, and I’m in a good enough mood to share it.”

“Why can’t you share it with them?” She exited off the highway, heading toward her home, but she could turn soon and make it to Maya’s if she dared.

“Because it’s boy’s date night and…damn it, come if you want to, don’t if you don’t. But just make up your fucking mind.”

“You going to talk to your kid with that mouth?”

“Fuck you, Blake. Get over here. You know the address. I have cake.” And with that, her boss—and apparently her new friend—hung up on her.

Blake sighed but turned toward Maya’s anyway. She didn’t want to go home and clean the floors like she’d been planning. She had work to do around the house, and sketches to tweak for upcoming clients, and yet she didn’t want to handle any of it. She wanted a friend, wanted to talk.

And that might be even scarier than taking a leap into the unknown. Or maybe it was taking a leap into the unknown when it came to sharing with Maya.

Blake bit into her lip when she pulled in behind Maya’s car. Since the other woman had mentioned it was boy’s date night, she didn’t want to block in Border’s or Jake’s vehicle. And since both were still there, apparently, Maya’s men hadn’t left yet. It surprised her that she was nervous about seeing them. Jake in particular. But considering what she’d just witnessed at Graham’s, maybe she shouldn’t have been so surprised. Jake might not look exactly like his brother, Graham, but all four Gallaghers had enough traits that were similar that she couldn’t help but think of one while seeing another.

She turned off her car, closed her eyes, once more wondering why she was doing this, and took a deep breath before getting out of the vehicle.

Maybe if she just talked about nothing or a little about something more important, she’d feel better. It had been ages since she’d had someone to talk to, and since the first day she’d walked into Montgomery Ink and butted heads with Maya, she’d had a feeling the other woman would be someone she could talk to.

She was contrary like that.

Before she could knock, Border, one of Maya’s handsome men, opened the door. He smiled at her, the expression softening the hardness of his face. He was bigger than Jake, and probably even Graham—all muscles, hard edges, and sex appeal. He’d cut his hair brutally short, but she thought he might be letting it grow just a bit.

“Hey, you’re here.” He stepped in and she followed, and then he gave her a hug, surprising her. “I’m glad. Now Maya won’t be alone with all that cake.”

“I heard that!” Maya yelled from the back. “No blowjobs for you!”

“That’s what Jake’s for,” Border called back.

Blake might have blushed at the exchange, but she also laughed hard. These three were clearly in love, and sexy as all hell.

Border winked and closed the door behind her. “Sorry about that.”

“Never be sorry for a blowjob,” Blake said dryly.

“What are you two cracking up about?” Jake said as he prowled into the room. The man seriously prowled; he was that sexy. Maya was one lucky woman.

“Blowjobs,” Border said with a straight face.

Jake put his hand over his heart and took a step back. “How are blowjobs funny? Do I need to show you how not funny they are right now?”

Blake held up her hands. “As sexy as fuck as that would be, I’m pretty sure no matter how strong I am, a pregnant Maya Montgomery can still kick my ass.”

“Damn straight, I can,” Maya said as she came into the room. “And don’t you forget it.” She slid in between her men and wrapped her arms around their waists. She wasn’t too tall, so she only came up to their shoulders, and it was damn cute.

“I’d never hit a pregnant woman,” Blake said. “Anyway, you promised me cake. What kind of cake is it?”

Border rolled his eyes. “Queen Maya over here craved a chocolate fudge cake, so I got that, but I also got a zucchini cake with cream cheese frosting and fruit on it from the bakery downtown that she loves since cravings change.”

Maya narrowed her eyes, and Jake threw his head back and laughed.

“And guess which kind of cake she had already?” Jake winked, and Blake held back a laugh though she smiled. “The fruity one.”

“I hate you. Both of you.” Maya growled between them before going on her toes to kiss each of their jaws. “Now, go do boy date things so Blake and I can have girl time.”

Jake wiggled his brows. “What kind of girl time? I don’t think I want you doing what I plan to do to Border later.”

The sex vibes between these three were killing Blake. Damn. She was going to have to deal with that when she got home since she wasn’t about to ask Graham for help in that area, ever.

“You three are too much,” Blake said after a moment. “Want me to leave the room so you guys can make out? Better yet, I’ll sit over here and watch. Don’t mind me.”