Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

He crossed his arms and silently assessed me, letting my words ferment in his head.

“Then I guess it’s a good thing your ass will be out of here soon,” he said finally before narrowing his eyes as he uncrossed his arms and stepped closer. “Let’s pray I can hold my shit together, and keep my business away from her until her knight breaks free,” he said, squaring his shoulders back before turning around. “Another reason for you to get your act together…apparently no one watches out for Lacey like you—not even me,” he sneered, pulling open the door before pausing and looking back at me. “She’s my daughter, Black, mine, my only surviving child. You remember that the next time you question my intentions,” he paused. “Actually, do yourself a favor and don’t question my intentions when it comes to my daughter.”

He turned and strode out the door, closing it behind him.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends as I stared at the door.

I was losing my fucking mind, spiraling out of control like an addict going through withdrawals and for the first time it wasn’t drugs making me unravel.

It was her.

I meant it when I said there was no on and off switch with me. I wasn’t the type of guy that was satisfied with a little, I wanted it all, pushed and pushed until I got it too.

I got my appetite wet with Lacey and now I’d never be sated.

It was that revelation that turned two impending wars into three and the third would be the bloodiest and most destructive.

Brother versus brother.

President versus Vice President.

Two men who only know one side now knew two.



I shook my head, releasing my hold on my hair and crossed the room as I pushed the thought away. I couldn’t go to war with Jack…the idea was ridiculous.

Almost as ridiculous as thinking I’m capable of letting her go.

Chapter Fifteen

I worked up enough nerve over the next week to face Blackie, allowing Reina’s admission of Blackie’s truth drive my courage to confront him. He might not be ready to hand me over his scars but I would let him know the way I felt. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He could either accept my feelings or he could push them away but either way I would not hide them.

Not from him.

Not from anyone.

Silly nicknames that started off as a joke, an attempt to get him to smile, became a lifeline for both of us. That had to count for something didn’t it?

It means everything to me.

And now I know it means something to him too.

He was transferred to a private room and well enough not to be in intensive care anymore. I knocked before I stepped into his room, closing the door behind me as my stomach twisted in knots. I walked further inside and noticed he wasn’t in bed, or even in the chair perched in the corner. I turned around and walked into the bathroom only to find it empty too. I stepped back into the room just as the door opened and when I lifted my head, my eyes locked with his.

I blinked, taking another look at the freshly shaved man in front of me and my eyes widened. He was dressed casually in a pair of black sweats and a plain white t-shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders. His hair that usually hung messily around his face was pushed back and tied in a short ponytail at the base of his neck. There was no scruff lining his jaw exposing all his perfectly hard features.

“Are you okay or do you need me to help you get back into the bed?” The nurse questioned from behind him.

“I’ve got it,” he muttered, keeping his eyes on me.

The nurse glanced at me, smiled slightly before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her.

“Hi,” I choked. “I was starting to think you were discharged,” I stammered, watching as he pursed his lips before his tongue took a swipe at his bottom lip.

“Not that lucky,” he said, tipping his chin behind me. “Give me a minute?”

I glanced down at myself in confusion before looking over my shoulder and shaking my head, realizing he needed to use the bathroom.

“Oh, right…” I moved out of his way, lifted my eyes back to his and watched as they took a quick perusal of my body.

I had seen that look before, that night, and I remembered how it made me feel like the most desirable girl in the world.

A sound escaped his lips as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I swear that sounded like a moan or maybe a growl, whatever it was, it was fucking sexy. I lifted my hand to my throat, letting my fingers mimic the way his dug into my skin that night in his room, and dropped onto his bed.

I wonder if he remembered everything about that night the way I did. If he could still taste me the same way I could taste him.

The bathroom door closed jarring me away from my thoughts and forced me back to reality. I stared at him trying to remember the speech I recited in the car on the way here but the only word that came to mind was muscles.

Janine Infante Bosco's books