It's All Relative

An erotic moan left Kai’s mouth and the hand on her neck ran up to grab a fistful of her hair. Tilting her head, he drove his tongue inside her. Jessie whimpered with the forcefulness, the uncontainable passion they both felt. She minutely pulled away from the door and he pushed her back into it with a dull thud. Her fingers, finally having unsnapped his button, flattened between them. Jessie let out a soft, frustrated cry. She wanted him so bad, she couldn’t take anymore. His hand slipped under her shirt. Pushing aside the fabric of her bra, he cupped her breast. Sucking a quick breath through his teeth, Kai paused to rest his head against hers. A low swear passed his lips as his thumb stroked over her nipple.

Panting, Jessie let out a low groan as she successfully shoved her hand down the front of his open jeans, just barely squeezing in-between their smashed together bodies. She wanted to feel him. She needed to feel him. Just as he let out a noise that made Jessie ache with the need for him to touch her, she grazed the tip of him. His fingers tightened and pinched her nipple, and she cried out again, a little louder than before.

Cursing again, Kai quickly ran his hands down her body and lifted both of her legs around his waist. They staggered forward a step before she slammed back into the door again. Breath heavy, Kai slid his hands down the knit pants she had on, cupping her backside. A stuttered groan left Jessie as she rubbed herself against the hardness in his jeans; his arousal was finally where she needed it most. His lips returning to hers, Kai slipped his fingers inside her underwear. Jessie whimpered into his mouth, then arched her back; she needed him to touch her. Needed it more than anything.

She bucked against him, her back rattling the door, as his finger slowly slid across her wet flesh. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as a bolt of electricity ripped through her body. Yes…more. Pressing her back more firmly against the door, she fought for space between them so she could push his jeans down. She needed more than one finger sliding up and down her sensitive core. She needed all of his marvelous length and width sliding inside of her. His lips attacked hers as his finger running against her picked up pace. She managed to get his jeans partly down his hips, and managed to wrap her hand around the top of him, just as he slipped his finger inside her.

Before she could cry out in ecstasy, the door they were pressed against was knocked on.

“Uh, Jess…you guys okay?” It was Harmony, and she sounded very concerned.

Jessie stopped breathing, stopped moving. Her eyes popped wide open and she stared at Kai; the shock and fear on his face was a mirror of her own. Like a floodgate had been opened, the horror of what they’d been doing crashed down upon her. She immediately yanked her hand out of his pants and slapped it over her mouth. She felt like screaming, she felt like vomiting…she felt disappointed it was over. She’d never been so conflicted in all her life.

Kai also pulled his hand away. Quickly setting her down, he took a step back. His jeans were still open as his gaze flicked from Jessie to the door. The knock sounded again. “Jess?”

Feeling able to breathe, Jessie snapped, “We’re fine! Just give us a minute, okay?”

“Jesus. I’m just checking to make sure you guys weren’t fighting or anything. There was a lot of banging going on in there. No need to bite my head off.” She heard Harmony grumble something else under her breath, then she said, “April would like her date back, by the way,” before she walked away.

Jessie crumpled to the floor, her knees no longer able to keep her standing. Tears hazed her eyes as she covered her face with both hands. Barely able to still see Kai over the tips of her fingers and her watery vision, she watched him readjust and re-button his jeans.

When he was finished, he ran a hand down his face; his skin seemed much paler than before. Both of them were silent as their breaths and heartbeats returned to normal. Well, as normal as they could. Jessie felt like hers would never stop frantically racing. Closing her eyes, she rested her head against the door. Had she really just knowingly made out with her cousin? Had she really just shoved her hand down his pants and let him do the same to her? God, had Harmony heard any of that? They hadn’t exactly been quiet, what with their panting, groaning, and door banging. Jessie could hear the TV blaring in the living room, but surely they’d heard a little. Harmony had certainly heard enough to need to know if they were okay.

Kai finally broke the silence. “Jessie?” As she glanced up at him, she felt tears sliding down her cheeks. Kai looked torn as he watched her pain. He pointed to the door she was blocking. “I should… I should go…”

A soft sob escaping her, Jessie nodded and tried to stand up. Leaning against the wall next to the door, she bit her lip in an attempt to hold back the confusing tears. Kai silently walked up to the door and put his hand on the knob. Hesitating, he looked over at her. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

Jessie nodded, unstoppable tears dripping off her cheeks. “I’m sorry too.”

Kai nodded, and his beautiful blue-green eyes dulled as if the spark behind them had gone out. Looking utterly defeated, he left her alone in her room. Jessie sank back to the floor, and softly sobbed into her knees.