It's All Relative

With horrific images of April’s hands and mouth all over Kai’s beautiful body, Jessie undressed for bed. She couldn’t stop wondering when their first date was happening. She couldn’t stop wondering if it would go well. Then she couldn’t stop wondering just how well it would go. She knew from experience that both Kai and April wouldn’t be opposed to going all the way, if they felt the right connection. Jessie wasn’t sure about Kai, but she was pretty sure April would feel the spark. How could she not? Kai was amazing.

Slipping her pajamas on, Jessie felt like the jagged pieces of her heart were tearing her insides apart. But the scars left behind would heal. And once Kai and April truly started dating, he would be around a lot more, which was good. But their PDA would step up too, which was not good. Jessie wasn’t sure if she could handle seeing them holding hands and kissing all the time. As she stepped from her room to the bathroom, she wondered if maybe she should find someone to date, too. Maybe this would be easier, if she wasn’t alone, if she had someone to hold hands with and kiss. Maybe the four of them could even double date. God…that was an awful thought.

Jessie came across April as she was exiting the only bathroom in the house. “Oh, hey, Jessie. You okay?”

That last thought made her grimace. She slapped on a tired smile to cover it. “Yeah, of course.” She faked a yawn. “Just tired.”

April scanned her face. “Oh…are you sure? You look like you’ve been crying?”

Frustrated, and not wanting to chit-chat with April right now, Jessie wished girls were as oblivious about bloodshot eyes as boys. “I had an itch, scrubbed too hard. Damn wine,” she muttered.

April studied her a second longer, then grinned. “Huh, that’s funny. My big toe itches when I drink.” She giggled as she let Jessie go around her to get into the small room. With April still watching her from the open door, Jessie quietly prepared her toothbrush. She didn’t want to talk, but April sure did.

She let out a dreamy sigh. “God, your cousin is gorgeous.” She bit her lip as she leaned on the doorframe. “And sweet. He was being so shy with me.” Giggling again, she met eyes with Jessie in the mirror. “He told me that I made him nervous. Isn’t that cute?”

Feeling sick to her stomach, Jessie nodded, smiled, and then began vigorously brushing her teeth. April sighed again, and when she spoke, her voice was oddly serious. “He seems different than the guys I usually go for. More than just a pretty face.” She twirled a lock of hair around her finger as she thought about the man Jessie routinely thought about. “I think I could genuinely like him, you know? Like serious, honest-to-God like him. Kind of scary, huh?”

Jessie carefully rinsed out her mouth. The lingering taste of peppermint from her toothpaste was doing horrible things to her upset stomach. She had never anticipated April falling for Kai. April never fell for anyone. But Jessie was certain they would hit it off if they gave it an honest try. Kai was just too…Kai. April falling for him was practically a given. Jesus, why hadn’t Jessie considered that outcome before she’d thrown Kai at April? But…maybe…it was for the greater good. It wasn’t like she and Kai could hold out for each other. There was nothing that could ever happen there. They wouldn’t wake up one day and suddenly not be family.

April’s face shifted to concern as she studied Jessie’s reaction. “Are you sure you’re okay with me dating him?”

Jessie hesitated. The question was a trap. If Jessie said she wasn’t okay with it, she’d damage her friendship with April. If she said she was okay with it…her vision of Kai and April together would happen right in front of her face. Throwing on a smile, Jessie faked nonchalance as best she could. “Of course I’m okay with it, April. You guys could be great together, amazing even. And he’s a great guy…you should definitely go for it.” God, she was definitely going to be sick now…but this was for the best. For everyone.

April seemed genuinely thrilled by the idea of a lasting relationship with Kai; she even squealed. “Oh, I hope so. I hope he calls soon!” With that, she spun on her heel and skipped to her bedroom. Jessie sighed and closed her eyes. What on earth had she just done? Exactly what she’d had to, that was what.

The next morning, Jessie slept in on purpose. She didn’t want to deal with everything that had happened last night. She didn’t want to see the excited, elated look on April’s face. Just hearing her chipper voice through the walls was bad enough. As she laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, she could hear her cousin’s name being mentioned more than once. She could also hear April and Harmony discussing how sweet and charming he was. Then, of course, April shifted to his prowess.

“God, I bet he’s a stallion in the bedroom.” She giggled, and Harmony laughed with her. Jessie’s stomach clenched. He was amazing in bed…and she never wanted April to discover that for herself.

Jessie heard Harmony add, “Yeah, he seems like the type who would be very…attentive.”