It's All Relative

She could see him from the hallway. He had his back to her and was casually talking with April and Harmony like he’d known them for years, not just a day. Harmony was still seated on a couch, looking up at him with polite interest. April was practically attached to his hip with her hand curled around his arm. Thinking to sneak in a quick shower before Kai noticed her, Jessie began tiptoeing to the bathroom. April laughed at something Kai said and her fingers traveled all the way down his arm, until she was holding his hand. Jessie paused; she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the intimate contact.

Almost like he knew she was staring, Kai turned his head and glanced down the hallway. The smile on his face brightened when he saw her, and he instantly released April. Frowning, April followed his gaze to Jessie. Feeling dirty, grimy, and in desperate need of some refreshingly cool water, Jessie awkwardly pointed to the bathroom door. “I’m just gonna… I need…” Cursing her inability to speak, she gushed, “I’ll be out in a minute.”

Kai was nodding when she flew into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. She bit her lip so hard she almost punctured the skin. Jesus. If he only knew what she’d been thinking about just as he’d been arriving. What she’d almost begun… Actually, she really wasn’t sure how he would feel about it. He would probably be just as conflicted as she was. And probably just as turned on by it, too. It was yet another reason why Kai should date April. They needed to end this attraction. Now.

Even knowing that it was a good thing, Jessie hated the idea of April out there “entertaining” Kai, and she took the fastest shower she’d ever taken in her life. Leaving the water just barely above room temperature, it was also the coldest shower she’d ever taken in her life. The chill helped her regain focus though, and by the time she was scrubbing her hair dry with a towel, all of her inappropriate thoughts about Kai were securely locked away in the farthest corner of her mind, never to be looked at again.

After running her fingers through her damp curls, knowing full well they were going to frizz out when they dried, Jessie dashed across the hallway to her bedroom. She dressed just as quickly as she’d showered. All in all, she’d only taken about fifteen minutes getting ready, but the thought of April mercilessly flirting with Kai for that long left a frenzied feeling in Jessie’s stomach. She knew she’d have to firmly deal with that one day, but not today.

As she slipped on some comfortable shoes, she wondered what Kai was doing back here so soon. Surely he would have just called April to make arrangements with her. Cautiously peeking her head out the door, Jessie heard light laughter from the living room. She recognized the sound as both April and Harmony, and she was momentarily elated that Harmony was still here. At least April would keep the PDA to a minimum with her in the room.

Trying to feel a calmness that she really didn’t, Jessie lifted her chin and walked out to join the group sitting on the couch. Kai was talking with Harmony, but he twisted to look at Jessie when she entered. Warmth heated Jessie’s face, and she couldn’t stop her grin at seeing him. Even after all the drama last night, he never failed to bring a smile to her lips. But then April casually placed her hand on his knee, and the warmth evaporated. This was going to be so much harder than she thought. Feeling very proud of herself, Jessie managed to keep a neutral expression on her face.

Kai rose to greet her, and April’s hand slipped off him as he stood. With April openly admiring his backside, Kai stepped up to Jessie. “Hey, sorry to barge in on you again…after last night.” The smile on his face faltered some before returning. Searching those beautiful blue-green eyes, Jessie was fairly certain that he was forcing himself to be as calm and collected as she was trying to be.

She gave him a reassuring smile. They had to get through the awkwardness if they were ever going to truly be family. “Not a problem. Lord knows I’ve done it to you several times already.” Remembering how her barging in on him usually involved him being shirtless made Jessie laugh and sigh at the same time.

Kai grinned at hearing her humor. Sliding his hands into his back pockets, he gave her a mischievous smile as he nodded his head at the door. “Sorry, I just never got a chance to show you what I picked up for you yesterday.”

Intrigued, Jessie looked out the front window. All she saw was Kai’s sporty motorcycle. “You didn’t have to get me anything, Kai,” she said, surprised that he would do something like that for her.

Laughing, he shook his head. “Are you kidding, after everything you’ve done for me? I owe you…a lot.” The way he said those two words drew Jessie’s attention back to him. The look in his eyes matched his voice, and Jessie allowed herself to get lost in them for a few seconds, before remembering they weren’t alone.

Flicking her eyes behind Kai, she breathed a quick exhale of relief. April was still staring at his backside; she’d completely missed that tender exchange. But shifting her gaze to Harmony, she was met with a pair of curious eyes. Harmony hadn’t missed the softness of the moment. Jessie quickly smiled at her friend. Hopefully her casualness would throw Harmony off of whatever track she might have gotten herself on. Harmony smiled back at Jessie, looking none the wiser.