It's All Relative

Kai straightened. Was she really considering Gran’s offer of Kai moving next door, in her recently deceased neighbor’s place? He furrowed his brow. Yes, a house would give him more space, but in relation to Jessie, it was more of a lateral move than anything. It wouldn’t bring them any closer together. It was a little farther actually, since he wouldn’t drive past Jessie’s place on his way home from work anymore.

Noticing his expression, Jessie smiled and he relaxed. In a near whisper, she shrugged and said, “Do you think Harmony and April would mind if I told them I was moving out? Because…maybe you and I can move next door to Grams. We’d be able to take better care of her, and we’d have a place to ourselves…if you wanted…to live with me, that is.” Her hand sneaked over to grasp his, and Kai’s heart quickened. She wasn’t asking him to move away, she was asking him to move in, to start their life together.

While she cast him anxious glances, Kai laughed lightly and laced their fingers together. “I think that sounds like a great idea, Jessie.”

She broke out into a breathtaking smile, and Kai leaned over to kiss her cheek. Then he nuzzled her neck, making her giggle and squirm. Living with her? Now that was a move Kai could whole-heartedly support. She was his home, anyway.

Pulling up to her house, Jessie was flooded with euphoric bliss. Kai had asked her to marry him on the plane. Not in so many words, but that had been the gist of it. He wanted a life with her. He wanted his future to always have her in it. Jessie couldn’t believe how much just knowing where his head was at, knowing where he envisioned them going, made her feel safe and content. It was like, all of a sudden, she didn’t have to worry about where she would be later in life, or who she would be with. She knew, with absolute certainty that she would be with Kai.

Glancing over at him as she shut off the engine, she was positive he felt the same safety and contentment. He’d asked her to marry him, and she’d said yes. Everything else was details. They’d even begun the first one. They were going to move in together. They were well on their way to starting a life together.

Grinning at each other, they grabbed their luggage and made their way to Jessie’s house…for now. Harmony met them in the entryway and engulfed Jessie in a huge hug. Jessie was exhausted from the emotional week and all the traveling and transitioning. She really just wanted to crash on her bed for a few hours, but she dropped her bags and held her friend tight. She’d be leaving her soon, after all.

“I’m so glad you’re back. I missed you guys!” Harmony disengaged from Jessie, then attacked Kai. With a laugh, he hugged her back just as tightly as Jessie had. It warmed her that Kai was so fond of her friends.

“We missed you too, Harm,” she tiredly replied.

Her freckled friend finally released Kai. Slipping her hands into her back pockets, Harmony watched Kai pick up Jessie’s bag and start to take it back to Jessie’s room. Smiling at his thoughtfulness, Jessie watched him leave too. Once he was out of sight, Harmony shifted her attention back to Jessie. “Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but I sort of did something while you were…busy this week.”

Not knowing what she was possibly referring to, Jessie cocked an eyebrow and waited for details. Harmony sighed and shifted her weight. Biting her lip, she shrugged and said, “Since you and Kai are pretty much a couple now…I snagged your date.”

Jessie blinked. Her date? Other than Kai, Jessie hadn’t been on anything that resembled a date in a very long time. “Uh…what are you talking about?”

Harmony giggled, and a warm smile escaped her. “Well, I guess you never really dated him. But he called for you all the time trying to get one with you.”

Still confused, Jessie shook her head. “Who are you…?” Suddenly remembering her grandmother’s attempt to set her up with her nurse’s son, Jessie’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Oh my God! Do you mean Simon?”

Harmony cheeks flushed with color. “Yeah…I hope you don’t mind.”

She really didn’t. Shaking her head, Jessie wondered how in the heck that had come about. Maybe seeing the question in her expression, Harmony gave her a shy smile. “You wouldn’t ever talk to him or call him back, so I just started talking to him for you.” She shrugged. “I don’t know, he was just really sweet on the phone and the more he called for you, the more we started talking.”

Jessie felt embarrassment and remorse heating her cheeks. She knew Simon had called her a couple times, and she felt bad that she hadn’t just admitted to him outright that she wasn’t interested. At the time though, Jessie had been a little…preoccupied.